Hi last night i had to restart MySQL on a vps as something made it crash, but when it did it effected my other server in the dns cluster is this what its meant to do ?
Also how can i check how much room i have for MySQL the server as 8TB space
Hello :) Try reviewing the MySQL error log (/var/lib/mysql/$hostname.err) to determine the reason it failed. It should not have caused your DNS-Only server to fail. What exactly happened with the cluster? The amount of space used depends on how large your databases are. Thank you. 0 -
When the MySQL went down on my vps it effected another cpanel server that i have in the cluster. and it restarted itself ? then i went and restarted the MySQL on the vps and it all worked again. i have 8TB of space on the server so will MySQL just use what it needs. 0 -
MySQL databases are stored in: /var/lib/mysql/ It will use whatever space is permitted to the /var partition, or whichever partition is associated with the /var directory. Thank you. 0 -
Is there a way i check or make it bigger if needed ? 0 -
Sure, use the following command to determine how much space is used: du -sh /var/lib/mysql Then, use "df -h" to see the overall capacity of the partitions. Thank you. 0 -
Hi it says this 1.1G /var/lib/mysql does that mean its only 1gb 0 -
Could you post the full output? I'm not sure which command you are references with that output. Thank you. 0 -
[~]# du -sh /var/lib/mysql 1.1G /var/lib/mysql root@tow [~]# 1.1G /var/lib/mysql^C 0 -
[quote="popeye, post: 1533661">Hi it says this 1.1G /var/lib/mysql does that mean its only 1gb
It means it's 1.1G of usage. You can compare this to the available space on the partition when using the "df -h" command. Thank you.0
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