upcp error
I have a problem with upcp --force
[20131221.122317] Staging new RPMS
[20131221.122340] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.36/centos/5/x86_64/rpm.md5
[20131221.122341] cpanel-php53-PEAR-1.9.4-4.cp1136.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[20131221.122342] MySQL51-server-5.1.72-2.cp1136.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[20131221.122342] All files Staged
[20131221.122342] Testing if the newly downloaded RPMS can be installed without conflict
[20131221.122342] Testing RPM transaction
[20131221.122348] package MySQL51-server-5.1.72-2.cp1136.x86_64 is already installed
[20131221.122348] W Exit Code: 4
[20131221.122348] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: package MySQL51-server-5.1.72-2.cp1136.x86_64 is already installed
[20131221.122348] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[20131221.122348] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the RPMs will install: Died at /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow.static-cpanelsync line 13948.
[20131221.122348] see http://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed for more information
[20131221.122348] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[20131221.122348] E Detected events which require user notification during updatenow. Will send iContact the log
Was the information on that link provided of no use to you at all? [url=http://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed]How to Fix RPM Installation Failures in WHM 0 -
this is current rpm root@vps1 [/etc]# rpm -qa|grep mysql-5 cpanel-mysql-5.0.96-1.cp1136 but in error says [20131221.122348] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: package MySQL51-server-5.1.72-2.cp1136.x86_64 is already installed 0 -
Hello :) Please post the output from: rpm -qa|grep MySQL
Thank you.0 -
Code [20140106.040245] Detected version '' from version file. [20140106.040245] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'. [20140106.040245] Target version set to '' [20140106.040245] Checking license [20140106.040246] License file check complete [20140106.040246] Checking that the RPM DB is OK... [20140106.040246] glibc-2.5-118.el5_10.2 [20140106.040246] glibc-2.5-118.el5_10.2 [20140106.040246] OK: RPM DB is responding to queries [20140106.040246] Testing if rpm_is_working RPM is installed [20140106.040246] package rpm_is_working is not installed [20140106.040246] Testing if it's possible to install a simple RPM [20140106.040246] Preparing... ################################################## [20140106.040246] rpm_is_working ################################################## [20140106.040247] Switching to version '' of updatenow to perform sync. [20140106.040248] All Needed RPMS are installed. [20140106.040248] Staging cpanelsync files prior to updating /usr/local/cpanel [20140106.040248] Staging x3 theme changes [20140106.040249] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/ [20140106.040249] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'. [20140106.040249] Staging files for x3 - Snipped - [20140106.041029] All files Staged [20140106.041029] Testing if the newly downloaded RPMS can be installed without conflict [20140106.041029] Testing RPM transaction [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-Archive-Tar-1.3.10-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-XML-Util-1.2.1-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-angularjs-1.2.0rc1-2.cp1140.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-Net-UserAgent-Detect-2.5.2-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-ioncube-4.2.2-2.cp1136.x86_64 is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-DB-1.7.14-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-jquery-ui-themes-1.8.18-1.8.18-3.cp1140.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-HTTP-Request-1.4.4-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] W Exit Code: 61 [20140106.041058] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: package cpanel-php53-Archive-Tar-1.3.10-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-XML-Util-1.2.1-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-angularjs-1.2.0rc1-2.cp1140.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-Net-UserAgent-Detect-2.5.2-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-ioncube-4.2.2-2.cp1136.x86_64 is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-DB-1.7.14-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-jquery-ui-themes-1.8.18-1.8.18-3.cp1140.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] package cpanel-php53-HTTP-Request-1.4.4-3.cp1136.noarch is already installed [20140106.041058] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes [20140106.041058] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the RPMs will install: Died at /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow.static-cpanelsync line 13948. [20140106.041058] see [url=http://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed]How to Fix RPM Installation Failures in WHM for more information [20140106.041058] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes [20140106.041058] E Detected events which require user notification during updatenow. Will send iContact the log
I have a similar problem. I read [url=http://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed]How to Fix RPM Installation Failures in WHM and [url=http://docs.cpanel.net/bin/view/AllDocumentation/InstallationGuide/RPMTroubleshoot]How to Fix RPM Installation Failures in WHM but I did not find anything that is similar to my case. What could be the solution? Thanks!0 -
It's likely there are duplicate cPanel RPMs installed. Could you open a support ticket using the link in my signature so we can take a closer look? You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you. 0
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