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No Idea What's Wrong - Maybe Fix PHP Include Paths?



  • Infopro
    On a side note, I'm not sure how welcomed this long of a post is. You know, with the holidays and all, Santa is surely a bit busy with other things. I think creating a second cPanel account just to update/redesign a website, is overkill. A second database, a new directory for the redesigned site, yes sure. Assuming you used a different domain name, as well as a different database, have you updated the new site's config file to use the correct domain name? [QUOTE]Then everything works and displays fine, but it doesn't display fine when called website1. I hope you guys are following me so far . . . actually I hope nobody is following me . . . anyways . . .
  • jerdoggmckoy
    Thank you for your help. There was only a 2 sentence introductory paragraph that was "unnecessary" to explain the situation, but I apologize for wasting any of your time, your help IS appreciated. I use SSH to run a mysqldump of the database. Then I open it with my preferred notepad program and run a find & replace of everything from "website2" to "website1". Then I change the name of the sql file as well to reflect the name of the database, "website1_database.sql". I delete all of the tables in the place of the new database I am about to upload, then I run a PHPMyAdmin import of that database. But now that I think about it, maybe I should try uploading that database via SSH and see if that does the trick. I'll post back with the results.
  • jerdoggmckoy
    Well, it seems that everything imported and started working just fine once I imported using SSH instead of importing through the PHPMyAdmin control panel :p I used the following import command and it worked: mysql databasename (without the .sql extension) < /server/file/path/databasename.sql Thanks for the help!

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