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Transfering a Huge cPanel Account from One to Another



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You should package the account manually on the source server via: /scripts/pkgacct $username
    Next, upload the archive to the destination server via SCP or SFTP. You can then restore it on the destination server via: /scripts/restorepkg $username
    Note: Make sure you have sufficient free space on the source/destination server. Thank you.
  • laztrix
    Thank you Michael, I'll do that and get back with the results here.
  • laztrix
    After many hours the backup got created. I tried the SCP command but got this: /home$ scp cpmove-user.tar.gz Host key verification failed. lost connection
  • feldon27
    Just open an FTP connection from one server to another and mput the file. Make sure you are in the correct directory on the local machine, then "ftp IPADDRESS" then issue "cd" and "ls" as necessary to get to the right directory and then "mput FILENAME" to push the file(s). You'll probably need to issue the command "passive" to turn off PASV transfers.
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="laztrix, post: 1538332">After many hours the backup got created. I tried the SCP command but got this: /home$ scp cpmove-user.tar.gz Host key verification failed. lost connection
    Ensure you use key authentication with SCP if you normally have to use a key with accessing the server as "root" via SSH. Thank you.
  • texo
    It will be easier to create a cpbackup like this: /scripts/pkgacct --skiphomedir $username once you've restored it, you can rsync the contents of public_html

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