How to force backup of ONE account from command line
Let's say I need to download a backup of XXXX account before I do some modifications in the contents of the site. How can I force the generation of that backup from the command line?
Hello :) You can backup the account manually via: /scripts/pkgacct $username
Thank you.0 -
Thanks!!!!! 0 -
the answer is not correct bro can you please show full script [root@host02 ~]# /scripts/pkgacct $alaincla A user is required. Usage: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/pkgacct [options] user [workdir] user = the user to package workdir = the directory to put the package Options: --help brief help message --man full documentation --allow-override use alternate script --mysql=X.X set target MySQL version --roundcube=X.X set target Roundcube version --dbbackup=(all|schema|name) specify database backup type --get-version display version of script --use_backups use last file as template --incremental refresh existing file --split create file in chunks --nocompress do not compress file --compress compress file with Gzip --userbackup run in userbackup mode --backup save as account backup --skipacctdb exclude all databases --skipapitokens exclude API tokens --skipauthnlinks exclude external auth credentials --skipbwdata exclude bandwidth data --skipdnszones exclude DNS information --skipdomains exclude sub, parked, and addon domains --skipftpusers exclude FTP accounts --skiphomedir exclude home directory --skipintegrationlinks exclude integration links --skiplocale exclude locale information --skiplogs exclude log files --skipmailconfig exclude mail configuration --skipmailman exclude mailing lists --skipmysql exclude MySQL content --skippasswd exclude user's password --skippgsql exclude PostgreSQL content --skippublichtml exclude the public_html directory --skipquota exclude disk quota limits --skipresellerconfig exclude reseller privileges --skipshell exclude shell privileges --skipssl exclude server-level SSL certificates --skipuserdata exclude domain-level configuration --serialized_output encode output as JSON [root@host02 ~]# 0 -
yeah it is working once i remove $ 0 -
Just want to ask you, where is the backup goes? if I'm using external backup configured on settings 0 -
Just want to ask you, where is the backup goes? if I'm using external backup configured on settings
The backup file is saved to /home/cpmove-{username}.tar.gz Same question here BTW: Doesn't seem to be uploaded to the remote destination. cPanel should add one parameter to force upload. It's a must for those of us using remote destinations. I guess: propose it at Feature Requests?0
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