Overriding "Max hourly emails per domain"
I have a overall e-mail sending limit set to 100 e-mails per domain.
I have one account where I want to set a hourly limit of 300 e-mails.
I tried editing the value of MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR-$domain=300 in /var/cpanel/users/$account but without success.
After editing that value, I did run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updateuserdomains.
The e-mails are sent from PHP using mail() function.
What's the correct way of overriding the value from Tweak Settings?
Thank you very much!
Hello :) While it's essentially the same thing as manually editing the cPanel user file, I suggest modifying the maximum hourly email limit via WHM to ensure it's setup correctly: "WHM Home " Account Functions " Modify an Account" This takes precedence over the default limit for accounts. Also, you mentioned using a PHP script to send out email. What PHP handler is in use? Are you able to configure it to use SMTP authentication instead? Thank you. 0 -
I already tried editing the account's package before editing the account file. It didn't work. In both cases, the limit remained at 100 emails. I'm using DSO PHP5 with suEXEC and Ruid2. The site is a vBulletin forum. So, I can configure an account for sending, but mail() is prefered. 0 -
Email sent through the PHP mail() function are not bound by the "Max hourly emails per domain" limit. You will need to force your script to use SMTP authentication when sending out emails to ensure it's included in the limit. Thank you. 0 -
So there is no way to override the global settings for the mail() function? The overridden values work only for e-mail accounts? So, if a set a different maximum e-mails in the package, it will affect the e-mails sent through accounts? Thanks for the replies! 0 -
[quote="Netcrusher, post: 1557841">So, if a set a different maximum e-mails in the package, it will affect the e-mails sent through accounts?
Yes, for email sent with SMTP authentication. It's not possible to implement this restriction when sending mail using the PHP mail() function. It's recommended that you alter your script configuration so it sends out email with SMTP authentication to ensure such a limit is enforced. Thank you.0 -
The master limit works for mail(), it just isn't overridden. I'll try the package limit sending with SMTP authentication... Thanks! 0 -
I modified the package, set the limit to 300 e-mails. I changed the way e-mails are sent, now the site is using SMTP auth... The limit is still 100! So, no matter what other limit I set, the default setting is never overridden... Any solutions? 0 -
[quote="Netcrusher, post: 1559712">I modified the package, set the limit to 300 e-mails. I changed the way e-mails are sent, now the site is using SMTP auth...The limit is still 100!?
Feel free to open a support ticket using the link in my signature so we can take a closer look. You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you.0 -
I can't allow you to access the server, so the ticket is pointless... I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong... Modifying the package is equivalent to editing the account individually, right? 0 -
[quote="Netcrusher, post: 1560531">Modifying the package is equivalent to editing the account individually, right?
Check the cPanel user file to see if the limit is added. EX:/var/cpanel/users/$username
You should see an entry like this:MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR=100
Thank you.0 -
I checked: MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR=300 I'm receiving e-mails notifying that more than 100 e-mails are trying to be sent... 0 -
Could you check if there is an entry for the domain name in the /etc/email_send_limits file? An entry for the domain name should exist, as documented here: [url=http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/WHMDocs/MaiDelimiter]Mail Delimiter [url=http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/WHMDocs/MailLimitingFeatures]Mail Limiting Features If the entry already exists in this file, then we will need access to your system through our help desk in order to investigate the issue further because it's not the expected behavior. Thank you. 0 -
The entry exists: root@ [/]# cat /etc/email_send_limits | grep : 300,unlimited,5 0 -
I will suggest you to take a look at this plugin from configserver. You can setup hourly email limit per domain. [url=http://configserver.com/cp/cmm.html]ConfigServer Mail Manage 0
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