my eximstats file is 10 gigs, how do I remove this?
My eximstats file is huge, how do flush this out.
I don't care if the previous data is lost.
Hello :) You can modify the following option in "WHM Home " Server Configuration " Tweak Settings" under the "Stats and Logs" tab: "The interval, in days, to retain Exim stats in the database" Reducing this value will decrease the amount of data that is stored in the Eximstats database. If you decide to drop the eximstats tables completely, you can generate a new instance of the tables via: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/updateeximstats
Thank you.0 -
Thanks, I have it set to three days. It's shocking it can get this big so fast. There is no way to just flush it? 0 -
You would have to delete the eximstats database and regenerate it to remove all of existing data/entries. Thank you. 0 -
Great, that's easy. How do you regenerate it? Or can I just wait for it to regenerate on it's own? 0 -
You can use the command referenced in my earlier response: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/updateeximstats
Thank you.0
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