What are the options for web builders with cpanel now?
RV Site Builder just can't seem to get it right. Still outdated templates, slow functionality, and a week demo. Of course I should say they are the best still as far as I know.
Any new options that are non flash?
Anyone looking for a partner to do a nice web builder?
Thank you,
We decided not to renew our RVSiteBuilder after 3 years for the same reasons you cited and the fact is that they appear to push their other products through our users cpanel interface. Parallels has one, but it requires its own server... Another one is trendytools.com which looks ok. 0 -
Yeah it looks like trendytools is the only option but the templates and the system is too wild. We need something simple but professional. It's too bad we couldn't get a bunch of hosts together to develop one. Really drives me nuts when someone has a sub par product and then comes out with a bunch of other stuff. Focus on the main product first! 0 -
Hello :) I just wanted to note that you are welcome to open a feature request to have a web builder included with cPanel: Submit A Feature Request Thank you. 0 -
Cool, it looks like someone already did: [url=http://features.cpanel.net/responses/powerful-web-builder]Powerful Web Builder | cPanel Feature Requests How do you decide on doing it? From the votes? 0 -
Oh wow, there is a formula. Thanks! 0 -
[quote="DWHS.net, post: 1591512">Yeah it looks like trendytools is the only option but the templates and the system is too wild. ...
Do you mind me asking what you mean by this? I haven't given the new trendy tools a try yet, but I'm about to, and was wondering what wild stuff I should be looking for. Thanks!0 -
[quote="Infopro, post: 1593332">Do you mind me asking what you mean by this? I haven't given the new trendy tools a try yet, but I'm about to, and was wondering what wild stuff I should be looking for. Thanks!
Obviously it's just my opinion, but the templates move too much and have too much going on. This would be fine for a band site or maybe a personal blog but for professional businesses it's too wild. If you look at tumblr, weebly, seems to be professional but still modern and up to date. Here is a sample some good ones: .vB0 -
Have you taken trendy for a test drive? I wonder if the animations can be configured. Need to go have a closer look for myself. :) I don't see anything exciting and new in either of those samples, TBH. 0 -
[quote="Infopro, post: 1593392">Have you taken trendy for a test drive? I wonder if the animations can be configured. Need to go have a closer look for myself. :) I don't see anything exciting and new in either of those samples, TBH.
The main thing is to look professional, flashy and graphic heavy sites take away from this. It also needs to be able to add good size images to change the feel to the customers needs. A large image header for example. [url=http://www.ibm.com]IBM - United States is a good example for a professional simple site. It has the logo, page bar, a custom header image, and room for the content under the main image. It's really the logo, image header, and content that should set the site apart. Not the template.0 -
Its always interesting to hear feedback as it helps us get better. While we have a lot of flashy templates we do have many professional templates. You can check the samples of our business site builder at: TrendyTools Samples We have separated templates into categories to bring this difference. Each element can be customized for its speed, entry and position. I was going through Powerful Web Builder | cPanel Feature Requests I feel static websites can be achieved even with basic html. The reason we need CSS and HTML5 is to make objects movable. We are constantly working on making the website builder more accessible to end users. We want to offer retail quality site builders to web hosts at wholesale rates. 0 -
[quote="trendytools, post: 1594881">Its always interesting to hear feedback as it helps us get better. While we have a lot of flashy templates we do have many professional templates. You can check the samples of our business site builder at: TrendyTools Samples
In my opinion they look like fun sites, our customers are businesses, lawyers, firms, stock brokers, they will not want a big guys face or moving clouds on their website. They are cool looking though! Most of my customers want a modern, professional, clean website that is smart and functional. Just like the images I showed above. Those are near perfect. I also think the builder looks like a video game, again not professional.0 -
Lawyers, Real estate and a few more categories will be added to the existing list in a month or two. Hope you are convinced seeing those samples. :) 0 -
[quote="trendytools, post: 1594881">We have separated templates into categories to bring this difference. Each element can be customized for its speed, entry and position.
Yea, but our clients are not that technical to know what controls what and end up asking us for help. If you had a way to turn on or off across that whole site or page by page... We just ordered this on a monthly basis and let a few more savvy clients try it and they all said it was not intuitive at all. They all could see using this after a more "wizard" approach: Site name, address, logo, template selection, fly in text (or not), etc... And the PITA for me is the FTP settings, why can those be picked up when the user leaves their cpanel. Again something like welcome to the site builder... Before we start we want to create an account so we can upload your new web design OK? Then your app calls the cPanel "create FTP account" API, create a trendytools ftp account with some random PW and sends that to the builder.0 -
oh man I just posted a new thread about this. Any new insight on trendytools or another weebly/wix alternative for cpanel? 0 -
[quote="trendytools, post: 1594881">Its always interesting to hear feedback as it helps us get better.
Just came across Trendy Tools this past week. I like it. I like it. Feedback: TT doesn't have a forum. Is there anywhere (here?) where we can have a discussion / exchange of ideas? Couple of suggestions: A) a forum, B) output php named files/links not html C) pretty up the code, D) modularize things lik the menu and use includes, E) a manual. When building the page(s) I inserted the "Embed Code" in several places changed to " After publishing I wrote a script: mv file.html file.php then loop through every filw with "sed -i 's/$fn.html/$fn.php/g' file. Then I copies the aprox 300 lines of menu to "menu1.php". Then, painfully, replaced the 300 menu lines in every file with0 -
[QUOTE]Feedback: TT doesn't have a forum. Is there anywhere (here?)
Not here. Thanks.0
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