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Why does cPanel create two domains for an add-on domain?



  • JaredR.
    An addon domain is a subdomain that also has an alias that allows it to be browsed as a domain. Anytime you add an addon domain, a subdomain of the account's domain will be added to the account, as well as the addon domain. Our documentation explains this:
  • raindog308
    Thanks for the response. But that's just weird. Many users want to serve several domains. It's strange to me that if I have, then if I want to host in the same account (a very common example), I am forced to also have as a subdomain. They may be completely unrelated. Seems a sort of hacky technique on cPanel's part.
  • JaredR.
    [quote="raindog308, post: 1609932">I want to host in the same account (a very common example), I am forced to also have as a subdomain.
    You are not necessarily forced to add the subdomain. If you just want to be an alias to, serving the same Web content, you can add to the account as a parked domain. No subdomain is created if you add a parked domain. Addon domains always have an associated subdomain created automatically, and that is a basic part of cPanel's architecture. It is a bit different from some other control panels, but it is intended behavior. If you want to add a domain and have it be an alias to the same content as the domain on the account, add it as a parked domain. If you want the additional domain to have its own content, add it as an addon domain. We give you the option, depending on your purpose for the additional domain.
  • sushlik
    I don't get the point. For example: If I have a product to sell on and provide documentation for that product on, cPanel does not let me create these 2 domains as 2 different websites, each having their own directory, ftp-users etc.! The explanations given on your documentation is not really helpful in order to let me add both domains as separate websites. I want to migrate a few hundred accounts from my previous hosting-panel to cPanel and a lot of them have use-cases like the above mentioned. What can I do in WHM so that my users can add multiple addon-domains as single websites? Thank you for your help, Sascha [COLOR="silver">- - - Updated - - - I've noticed that I can add 2 domains as decribed above when using different ftp-usernames. But here again something that does not work: I can't use e.g. subdomain / ftp-username "domain_org", must obviously be "domainorg" ... still not the way i want it to work *sigh* [COLOR="silver">- - - Updated - - - one last thing: "domain-org" is possible. I accept this kind of workaround now, have no other choice yet, correct?
  • simonas
    Hello, there is a feature request similar to your problem: [url=]Main Domain to use a subfolder like addon domains | cPanel Feature Requests It's planed, but you could always vote for it.

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