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Custom RBL Not displaying RBL link in Result as it used to



  • vanessa
    Maybe check /var/cpanel/rbl_info/yourrbl.yaml to make sure the url value is saved. We have a custom RBL as well for Spamhaus (we use a local feed on our own dnsbl servers) and I'm not seeing the same problem. If it helps, here's the contents of the file with identifying data stripped out: --- dnslists: - zen.dnsbl name: customrbl url:
    Outside of the delivery reports in WHM, have you checked the Exim log to see if the output in the actual log is different than what WHM is saying it is?
  • kdean
    The .yaml files you pointed me to do have the urls. You may have missed it, but I did mention that the exim_rejectlog is also missing the urls.... nor or they appearing in the exim_mainlog either. Everything looks right from the configuration side.
  • vanessa
    [quote="kdean, post: 1616202">The .yaml files you pointed me to do have the urls. You may have missed it, but I did mention that the exim_rejectlog is also missing the urls.... nor or they appearing in the exim_mainlog either. Everything looks right from the configuration side.
    Yes, I did miss that part. It may be best to perhaps talk to cPanel about this. There's a template for the RBL in /usr/local/cpanel/etc/exim/acls/ACL_RBL_BLOCK/ that is auto-generated so I doubt it's the problem since this populates what you're seeing in the config editor, but if you're feeling adventurous perhaps you can modify the template directly to say what you want it to say.
  • kdean
    I actually already tried editing in the _rbl files in the ACL_RBL_BLOCK folder and as soon as I run /scripts/buildeximconf it wipes out the changes. [COLOR="silver">- - - Updated - - - I can at least add a little text directly to the exim.conf and not rebuild exim for a bit to have some hint at the which RBL matched.
  • LBJ
    [quote="kdean, post: 1616221"> I can at least add a little text directly to the exim.conf and not rebuild exim for a bit to have someyou're at the which RBL matched.
    G'day kdean, The problem you're facing is that cPanel assumes all RBL's return an associated TXT record just as spamcop and spamhaus do. It's that TXT record that populates the $dnslist_text field and is then returned to the sending server, and recorded in the exim_rejectlog. Other RBL's, like, don't return a TXT record, so in their case, the $dnslist_text field is left blank as you're seeing. You can test each RBL with a dig. It would be great for cPanel to add a suitable enhancement. I've never had much success in having enhancement requests actioned though, so I tend to just work around klunky behavior. I guess it won't hurt to lodge a request if you feel so inclined. Best regards, LBJ
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="LBJ, post: 1616412">It would be great for cPanel to add a suitable enhancement. I've never had much success in having enhancement requests actioned though, so I tend to just work around klunky behavior. I guess it won't hurt to lodge a request if you feel so inclined.
    I agree that a feature request would be useful here: Submit A Feature Request Feel free to vote and add your input to the request when it's added. Thank you.
  • mtindor
    I have created a feature request which describes the current issue with RBL rejection messages in the absence of data in the TXT Please consider voting for this feature request. For anybody who uses a custom RBL (like which does not provide information in a TXT record upon a positive hit, the rejection message (both in the Exim logs and that which is sent to the sender) is missing relevant useful information. [url=]cPanel Feature Requests - Allow custom rejection messages for RBLs that do not return a TXT record Mike
  • pestemal
    I have writed a custom message from long way. Edit this file: /usr/local/cpanel/etc/exim/templates/acls/ACL_RBL_BLOCK/rbl Change only this row: set acl_m9 = "JunkMail rejected - $sender_fullhost is in an RBL, see $dnslist_text" For example: set acl_m9 = "JunkMail rejected - $sender_fullhost is in an RBL, see ($dnslist_domain) $dnslist_text" * $dnslist_domain variable is give us rbl dns name (example: After saving rbl file, do that on the command line: /scripts/buildeximconf service exim restart (or Enter WHM >> Exim Configuration Manager, Advanced Editor tab - Save) Tataaaa :)

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