[Case 98641] Saving Account changes and updating it's package wipes out DKIM and SPF
This is more of just an issue report rather than a request for help. Currently using
I've been noticing this issue for at least the last couple of major cPanel versions.
If I have a package assigned an individual account and I edit that account with "Modify an Account" to change something like the Disk Quota, number of Addon Domains or Shell Access... Even though I have "Enable DKIM on this account" and "Enable SPF on this account" checked, when I Save and select the Update package option, it disables both DKIM and SPF and deletes any custom entries entered in for the SPF when I view the Email Authentication page in cPanel. The same thing happens if instead of update I select "Create a new package".
It doesn't turn things off if I use "Keep this account package (not recommended)" which doesn't seem to be the right option.
Not sure if this is a bug or designed behavior (which would be odd since it disables settings when checked to enable), but I'd much rather that Email Authentication settings for an account be preserved if I haven't changed the state of those DNS settings on the "Modify an Account" page. Shouldn't custom account changes for an account always supersede the default package settings?
Odd thing is, it doesn't seem to have the same loss of Email Authentication data if the package is attached to more than 1 account rather than just 1 account, if I recall correctly.... it's been a month or 2 since I made package changes to packages that apply to multiple account but I think that's how it was acting at that time where only my 1-off packages were losing their Email Authentication settings. At the time I need to go into my backup at /var/named/ to recover the SPF settings for the affected accounts.
Please report this as a bug via: Submit A Bug Report Let us know the ticket number so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you. 0 -
Ticket # 4834491 0 -
cPanel support were able to reproduce the issue and they're looking into it further. 0 -
Internal case 98641 has been opened to address this issue. There is currently no specific time frame on when a resolution might become available. Please monitor our change log for this case number to determine when it's been addressed. Thank you. 0 -
One would think a bug that can cause some data loss across multiple account's DNS settings would have been resolved by down, but I haven't seen that case id in the logs as yet. 0 -
I've updated the internal case with a link to this thread and will update this thread with any new information as it becomes available. Thank you. 0 -
Still broken. Not sure why cPanel has left this unfixed. I'm tired of the Email Authentication settings being lost just because I modify an account's package. 0 -
This issue is addressed in cPanel version 11.48. There is currently no time frame available on when this version will be released, but feel free to monitor our change logs to see when it's made available to the public build tiers. Thank you. 0 -
Thanks for the update. 0
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