Additional IP add for Mail record only
I want to add new additional dedicated IP for one website. this website already running on shared server IP and i want to only assign new IP to this website mx records only so only this website mailing will use this IP not website itself.
shared IP: assign to ""
Dedicated IP: assign to "".
could it possible if yes then How ? because cpanel use CNAME for and i m asking to change it to A for assigning the IP to its mailing.
Thanks advanced
Hi, First of all enable "Reference /etc/mailips for outgoing SMTP connections" in WHM >> Exim Configuration Manager Then edit /etc/mailips and add below line and restart exim. [QUOTE] XX.XX.XX.XX
Then all emails from will be sent via. IP XX.XX.XX.XX0 -
[quote="inthukha, post: 1651872">could it possible if yes then How ? because cpanel use CNAME for and i m asking to change it to A for assigning the IP to its mailing.
This is not a valid way of changing the IP address used by the domain name for sending mail. Please keep that record in place, and instead use the instructions here: How to Change the Sending IP for Outbound Email in Exim Thank you.0 -
Thanks sreejit and michael, i will try this, 0
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