need some help with firewall / license error
I am new with cpanel, so sorry if its wrong section or whatever,
correct me and I ll try to comply, but dont ban or delete for no reason.
I have recently setup a centos 6.4 with cPanel latest installer,
I did disable SElinux, but not iptables as install instructions advice
and to be frank, I cannot risk to open-up all the server public,
as it has many crucial data to take my chances...
I have left only incoming port 80, 2086 & 2082 to pass and blocked all
the rest traffic, in and out (with exception to my preferred centos mirror IP
and my IP to manage things), but now, it seems I get a cpanel license error.
Is there a specific block of ips / ports I need to allow for cpanel
to talk home and fetch license and software updates ?
Can cpanel work without problems, if I allow only port 80 & cpanel ports from outside ?
thanks for any help !
Hello :) Ensure TCP outbound traffic is allowed over port 2089 for license verification and let us know if that helps. You can find a list of required ports at: Which ports should be open if my cPanel & WHM server is behind a firewall? Thank you. 0
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