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MySQL goes down everyday



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) I recommend reviewing the MySQL error log (/var/lib/mysql/$hostname.err) and searching for the times MySQL has failed to see if there is any particular output that could help explain why it failed. Thank you.
  • storminternet
    If this error is specific to some of the users only then I doubt that it is mysql problem. Some of the applications might be exceeding mysql_connect time or wait_timeout in php.ini, my.cnf respectively. Try to increase those values and test your applications. If the problem is still there then I would recommend you to optimize your mysql configuration.
  • neoistone

    same issue with my server also i am losing my customer there any solution old server good performance mariadb new server is mysql

    Old server configuration : 

    os : centos 7

    ram : 64 GB 

    4tb ssd storage

    New server configuration : 

    os : rockylinux 8

    ram : 32gb

    1tb ssd storage

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    neoistone - please start a new thread with the output from "mysqladmin proc status" and we can help there.

  • neoistone


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    That doesn't show anything too interesting - what does the error log show around the time the system goes offline?


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