phpMyAdmin upgrade through WHM?
I have installed WHM version 11.40.0 (build 22) on a VPS and I want to upgrade the phpMyAdmin. Currently the system has installed the 4.1.8 version, but the latest stable version is the 4.2.5.
How can I update to the latest version.When I try the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/updatephpmyadmin --force it doesn't upgrade at the latest version. It stays in the same version.
I am not familiar with WHM so much. Can you please help?
Thanx in advance.
If you want a different version of phpMyAdmin than comes with cPanel & WHM, you'll need to install your own copy. 0 -
I am seeing this message too: A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is 4.2.6, released on 2014-07-17. I want to make the upgrade, I have: CENTOS 6.5 x86_64 WHM 11.44.0 I do not know how to upgrade the PHPMyAdmin or if it will do it in the cPanel update will do the job for that. Please help. 0 -
You will not always see the most recent version of phpMyAdmin included with cPanel. We consider and test newer versions of phpMyAdmin as they are released for inclusion with cPanel. You can install your own local copy of phpMyAdmin onto a website if you prefer to use a different version. Thank you. 0 -
Forgive me for resurrecting a slightly older thread... Michael, you wrote [QUOTE]We consider and test newer versions of phpMyAdmin as they are released for inclusion with cPanel
. In WHM 11.46.1 (build 4), phpMyAdmin is version, but version 4.3.5 is current. Have you been trying to get that newer version working? Has it been tested? Are there any plans to work with that newer version? Not trying to be a pain, I'm just trying to find out if cpanel is actively looking into upgrading PMA or not. Oh, and the same thing applies to the Munin plugin, which is several versions old as well. Thanks! :)0 -
[QUOTE]Not trying to be a pain, I'm just trying to find out if cpanel is actively looking into upgrading PMA or not.
The answer to your question is in the quote you posted. No pain at all. :)0 -
You will not always see the most recent version of phpMyAdmin included with cPanel. We consider and test newer versions of phpMyAdmin as they are released for inclusion with cPanel. You can install your own local copy of phpMyAdmin onto a website if you prefer to use a different version. Thank you.
That's all fine and dandy, but if we want to have the latest stable version across all our websites (not just one) on the server, how can we get that? And when was the last time you guys "considered and tested" newer versions of phpMyAdmin? The current version on WHM 11.48.2 is The latest version available is 4.4.0. When are you going to take a look at that one, for example? Hopefully not before they release v5 or something... And is there a way to install the newest phpMyAdmin (or specific version) and replace the phpMyAdmin on WHM all together (or keep it backed up in case)?0 -
So any update on this? We are years behind and I refuse to believe that you "test" something when phpmyadmin was not updated in years in cPanel. 0 -
cPanel was running a more recent version until not too long ago, but they discovered that it wasn't compatible with MySQL 5.1 and instead of making the logical choice of installing the more recent version for MySQL 5.5+ users and the older version for older MySQL, they downgraded everyone instead. I didn't think that wise, but cPanel does what they want. 0 -
Huh? That's kinda backward... but I guess they wanted to preserve the compatibility with anyone who didn't want to upgrade their MySQL from 5.1. Would be nice to have an option to upgrade phpMyAdmin (or downgrade, if need be) in WHM just like we have an option for upgrading/downgrading the other components. Shouldn't be that hard to implement that either with a few checks for versions and compatibility sake. 0 -
cPanel was running a more recent version until not too long ago
The referenced thread is found here: phpMyAdmin4.2.9 requires MySQL 5.5 but cPanel can update to 11.46 with MySQL 5.1 I suggest opening a feature request for the ability to choose which version of phpMyAdmin is installed on your sever. Feature requests are the best way to bring about changes in the product. Thank you.0 -
Sorry for necromancing this thread, but I guess it fits with this post's topic lol. Remember that OP who wrote this a couple years ago back in 2014? My version of phpMyAdmin is OLDER THAN THAT. This year, with cPanel we've got phpMyAdmin which is YEARS behind. Everytime I submit a query through the inline editor, I pull my hair out remembering that this very annoying bug discovered (and fixed) THREE YEARS AGO (in 2013) fix is not part of the 2016 cPanel release. phpMyAdmin / Bugs / #4187 (ok 4.1.2) SQL query inline edit doesn't post changes on the first run It's aggravating to say the least and I don't even want to talk about the HUNDREDS of security holes that are left open... For christ's sake, where does my 240$/year cPanel license fee go? PLEASE UPVOTE THIS FEATURE NOW: Ability to choose which version of phpMyAdmin to have installed on WHM 0 -
Hello @Benjamin D., I'd also like to note the following feature request: Upgrade phpMyAdmin to the latest version The most recent update was to note that PHPMyAdmin 4.6 should be included in cPanel version 64. Please feel free to add additional feedback to that feature request as well. Thank you. 0
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