How remove cPanel Redirect on client domains
How to remove all redirects in the domains of my customers cpanel. I want to remove
clientdomain / webmail
etc ..
how I can remove it with the exception of the hostname of the server that would webmaol etc ..
cPanel > Manage redirects. or look in the .htaccess file 0 -
Home " Server Configuration " Tweak Settings, Domains section. 0 -
Hello :) You can disable the "Proxy Subdomains" feature using the option referenced by InfoPro in the previous post. You can change the SSL and non-SSL redirection destinations to the hostname of the server under the "Redirection" tab in "Tweak Settings". Thank you. 0 -
thanks for your answers, but already change the configuration of Tweak (Redirect AND Domains) but this no solution my problem. These settings do not match any existing package on the system. Please select one of the options below: Just found change the Redirect SSL /cpanel on all domains, but i can not disabled the redirect 0 -
You may also find the following threads helpful: Disable /cpanel URL Remove /webmail entry Note that this is not a native feature, so it's something that's going to require you to manually edit configuration files. Thank you. 0 -
OOH .. Thanhx. its works ! 0 -
I am happy to see those threads were helpful. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0
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