High availability
Hello good night.
Sorry my English and also do not know if this is the right area to post this question.
Come on.
I'm thinking the next, I am SERVER 1 and SERVER 2 both with access via NFS to a STORAGE.
My question is related to high availability, the question is to the services and not the hardware, what I would like is to run the 2 servers enchergando the storage using the same files, the same user account running on two servers at the same time.
Today it is possible to accomplish this?
Many Thanks!
Hello :) cPanel currently supports clustering for DNS purposes only. There is support to host your databases on a remote MySQL server, however beyond that, there are no native options that allow for mirroring of your websites or automatic replacement of a network/IP address if the event another fails. I recommend searching our forums for "mirroring" and "high availability" for custom solutions that other users may have implemented. There are lots of discussions about the best ways to do this. EX: Load Balancing Load Balancing Servers cPanel Load Balanced Servers Also, feel free to add your input to the following active feature requests: Active Redundancy or High Availability [url=http://features.cpanel.net/responses/built-in-load-balancing-replication-high-availability]Built-in load balancing, replication, high availability | cPanel Feature Requests Thank you. 0
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