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Email Size larger than it should be!



  • 24x7server
    Can you please let me know where are you checking mail size and it's showing 28.3MB?
  • BlueSteam
    In Horde. in the Inbox.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Check to see the disk space usage of the individual email from the command line to see if it matches what Horde shows. EX:
    du -sh /home/$username/mail/$domain/$email-account/cur/$MSGID
    Thank you.
  • kdean
    When you attach documents to an email they are text-encoded for transmission which is always a good bit larger than the original files. I suspect that's what you're seeing.
  • BlueSteam
    Hello, Check to see the disk space usage of the individual email from the command line to see if it matches what Horde shows. EX:
    du -sh /home/$username/mail/$domain/$email-account/cur/$MSGID
    Thank you.

    It does match but that's not the point. The point is that the email is far larger than it should be.
    When you attach documents to an email they are text-encoded for transmission which is always a good bit larger than the original files. I suspect that's what you're seeing.

    I am yet to see a plain text-encoded email without ANY information in the body to be in the MB of size. I did another test. See below. This is before sending but the file is uploaded. 27371 This is the received email. suddenly 5.9MB larger! 27401 On Disk Size: 27411
  • Infopro
    This is the received email. suddenly 5.9MB larger!

    How big is it after you download from the received email, to your computer?
  • BlueSteam
    Windows PC: 16MB Mac OSx: 23MB
  • Infopro
    BRB, need to test this myself.
  • BlueSteam
    See snapshots of Windows and MacOSX Windows 8.1 Outlook 365 27421 Mac OSx 27431
  • Infopro
    Sending an email from Webmail with a 5.2 MB MP3 to MAC mail, the email I receive is 7.4MB.
  • BlueSteam
    Well that proves what I'm saying. There is a massive overhead added somewhere and it shouldn't be. It also seems to be % based. the larger the attachment, the larger the overhead. like 45% extra or so.
  • Infopro
    I don't think this is a cPanel issue though. Saving that same file from the email I received on my MAC, to my desktop, the file size is the "normal" original file size, exactly. I can't tell you about compression and how email works, all I can confirm is, yep, this does happen. And I can live with that.

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