Deleting Mails with Cron ???
I want to delete all mails once a day but i couldn't do it. I used this command:
rm /home/{username}/mail/*">{}/{mailusername}/cur/*
I deleted only inbox mails. But i want to delete inbox and sent mails.
help me !!!
Ofcourse you can do this using cron. You can put below two commands in one file and set cron for that file. Suppose create /root/maildelete.txt. Put below commands in that file : rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/cur/* rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/sent/* and then set cron for /root/maildelete.txt 0 -
Ofcourse you can do this using cron. You can put below two commands in one file and set cron for that file. Suppose create /root/maildelete.txt. Put below commands in that file : rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/cur/* rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/sent/* and then set cron for /root/maildelete.txt
thanks for your help the command works for inbox, but not work for sent folder. there is not a "sent" folder. and i don't know where sent mails are storing... I add the my mail screenshot... If you know, how can i empty sent folder? One more, what is the meaning of "-rf" command?0 -
Hello, I forgot to mention the .(dot) for Sent folder. Use below syntax: rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/.sent/* Further, r means recursive and f means forcefully. 0 -
thanks a lot for your help. and one more thing i found rm -rf /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mailusername}/.Sent/cur/* the bold part is important. 0 -
Ok, Thanks for the update. We are glad that your issue gets fixed :) 0 -
Hello, I am happy to see the solution provided was helpful. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0 -
Hi, I need one more help... All personels are using mail system, and all mails are forwarding personals' other mail address: for example, all mails are forwarding from to and it is working best. Problem: If you don't open webmail interface, cron job doesn't delete inbox mails. If you access webmail interface (you don't need to read mails), cron job delete inbox mails. WHY??? How can i delete inbox mails without access webmail interface because of forwarding all mails??? 0 -
Hi :), The cronjob should delete the emails in "cur" directory without accessing the webmail. Please check if you have set the cron correctly. 0 -
Hi :), The cronjob should delete the emails in "cur" directory without accessing the webmail. Please check if you have set the cron correctly.
hi danrussell, my cron job code is: rm -rf /home/username/mail/* is there any mistake?0 -
I think i found the right code: find /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mail-user-name}/ -type d \( -name cur -o -name new \) -exec find {} -type f -delete \; example: username : sitenm domain: mail-user-name : info ( find /home/sitenm/mail/ -type d \( -name cur -o -name new \) -exec find {} -type f -delete \; 0 -
I think i found the right code: find /home/{username}/mail/{}/{mail-user-name}/ -type d \( -name cur -o -name new \) -exec find {} -type f -delete \; example: username : sitenm domain: mail-user-name : info ([/EMAIL]) find /home/sitenm/mail/ -type d \( -name cur -o -name new \) -exec find {} -type f -delete \;
I am testing this code, i hope it works well... I will write the stuation...0 -
Feel free to update us with the outcome after testing out your cron job. Thank you. 0 -
It is working best, no problem... I am using that. thanks your helps. 0 -
I am happy to see the issue is now resolved. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0
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