public_html directory owned by nobody
Hi, i have all folders set to the username except public_html
drwxr-x--- 3 USERNAME USERNAME 4096 May 5 07:40 public_ftp/
drwxr-x--- 152 USERNAME nobody 57344 May 15 13:12 public_html/
and advice please, the reason i am asking is because cpanel is show the wrong disk space
I did transfer the user from root to the reseller account, might have a bearing on this?
Hello, That's actually a normal group ownership value for the public_html directory. Have you tried using the "Disk Space Usage" option in cPanel to get a better idea of where the disk space usage is coming from? Thank you. 0 -
Hi, i probably should have mentioned that this public_html is only showing 4mb in list accounts in whm and in the users cpanel on the left column BUT in the Disk usage in cpanel is showing correctly at 634.86 MB 0 -
Hello, Review the files via the command line using the "ls -al" command to determine if the files are owned by the account username. Also, use the "du -sh" command to see if the space used matches what's listed in cPanel. Thank you. 0 -
Hi, thanks for the reply, they are all owned by root barring a couple that have been uploaded today space is shown as... drwxr-x--- 152 username nobody 57344 May 15 16:57 public_html/ Thatsa wee bit less that the 600mb+ lol i take it its because root still thinks hes boss :/ 0 -
Right, you will need to ensure the files beneath the public_html directory are owned by the account username if you want them counted towards the account's disk space usage. Thank you. 0 -
Hi again and thanks, yeah i thought that and have been trying with this chown -R username /home/username/public_html to no avail, this is one of the files -rw-r--r-- 1 username root 61226 May 7 07:23 yesterdaygraph.jpg there is no : involved so i dont need the group, i have been hunting the net for the correct command :/ 0 -
You should actually update the group ownership as well. EX: chown user.user /home/username/public_html/
Note that if you use the recursive flag, it's going to incorrectly change the ownership of the public_html directory itself. Ensure group ownership of that directory is set to "nobody". Thank you.0 -
Thanks, problem there is i have man, many files in public_html and many folders and files there after :/ 0 -
Thanks, problem there is i have man, many files in public_html and many folders and files there after :/
You can use the recursive flag, but ensure you correct ownership of the public_html directory itself after running the recursive chown command. Note that it will make all files under the public_html directory owned by the account username. Thank you.0 -
Ah, oki doki, will have a go and let you know, thank you... 0 -
Thats got it all sorted, thank you ever so much for you help Michael 0 -
I am happy to see the issue is now resolved. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0
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