Open Source cPanel backup?
I am in search of a reliable cpanel third party backup option. I have tried r1soft, cpbackups. I am not satisfied with the performance.
R1soft is user friendly meanwhile it is unable to backup database properly. Cpbackup plugin is not user friendly and it is difficult to manage from user side.
Now I found "", As per the website offers Open Source cpanel backup with lots of other features. Is this suitable for cpanel ? Has anybody tried this. Can you share your experience. I am unable to find that much positive reviews for this. I would like to have some details before trying. Searched for images and so on for this meanwhile unable to find any :(
The below is the discussion which I found related to this
The website says lots of features, including web based interface Meanwhile I am unable to find any single image of this interface from google
Hello :) I'm not sure you will find a third-party backup solution that is more refined than the backup options offered with cPanel/WHM. Could you elaborate on the specific issues you are facing with the included backup features? Thank you. 0 -
Hi, All my accounts are almost bigger than 10gb and website is having large access. Backup is unable to complete on time and backup induces high load in the server. I have tried several cpanel plugins, r1soft and cpbackup meanwhile I am not satisfied with its working. 0 -
You may need to consider increasing the CPU/Memory on the system if no other backup solutions work in a way that you need them to. Another alternative is to use "Incremental Backups", though that's only supported for local backups. Thank you. 0 -
>>You may need to consider increasing the CPU/Memory on the system if no other backup solutions work in a way that you need >>them to. Another alternative is to use "Incremental Backups", though that's only supported for local backups. Hence I am thinking about new backup solutions compatible for cpanel. It will be great if some body is able to share "" experience. 0 -
I have installed and tested This plugin is just used to manage backups from remote via one panel just as an interface to manage backup of all servers which are configured in does not store backups. This plugin is just an interface. This does not suites my requirement. One my bug I have noticed is the interface password is "password" and while trying to change the password via interface, it is not getting updated correctly as expected in "db-users.json" where password is stored. ./db/db-users.json [{"id":"1","username":"admin","password":"*******","acl":"1"}] 0 -
Please ensure you report issues directly related to the plugin to their developers, as we are unable to troubleshoot issues with third-party applications. Thank you. 0
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