Roundcube Settings :: Mass changes for all users possible?
We only have Roundcube enabled, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have some things done automatically instead of individually.
Things like...
1.) Bypass the "Got it" dialogue upon first Paper Lantern login, and set Roundcube as the default webmail.
2.) Move the Sender column to be first in Roundcube instead of the Subject being first.
3.) Set the Address Book to sort by Display Name.
4.) View 100 messages per page instead of 50.
I presume if this is possible it would be a custom script or something along those lines.
Can anyone help?
Hello :) The setting that controls the default webmail application for individual email accounts is located in the following file: /home/$username/.cpanel/nvdata/$emailuser_default_webmail_app
However, it's likely you want a setting to automatically make this change for any new account. There's no functionality for this, but there's a feature request at: Thank you.0
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