Slow updates
This statement is released on the 21st and additional information (presumably the disclosure) will be released one day later?
Not sure how you can expect machines to be updated considering the current state of your mirrors. Three machines using three different mirrors, and they are all sloths. it is taking forever and a day to update. And that's just three machines. Given the slowness of the mirrors one has to wonder if automatically scheduled machines will even be updated by the time you release the disclosure. might want to hold off on that.
I haven't encountered any issues updating recently. Everything has seemed normal here. Are there confirmed problems with the mirrors? 0 -
We had an update that failed last night after running for more than four hours. Re-running the update this morning it is still "retrieving and staging" after running for two hours. Giving it a couple of hours more before contacting cPanel support, but from the looks of it I'd say there is a mirror problem. Edit: It took just under three hours, but it did complete this time. 0 -
I haven't encountered any issues updating recently. Everything has seemed normal here. Are there confirmed problems with the mirrors?
Each of my updates took about five hours. They all completed just fine. I just felt the process was unusually and insanely slow. I do manual updates at a time I think is best to do them -- like while I'm still awake, and while backups aren't taking place. But, because of how slow the mirrors were I had to go get some sleep and all the backups ran while the updates occurred. Just not used to that, although if I recall correctly the last time I did an update the mirrors my machines were connecting to were slow. M0 -
Hello :) I moved these posts into their own thread, as it's an issue of it's own. Could you verify if you still experience slowness when updating cPanel? Are you using specific mirrors, and have you opened any previous support requests about the issue? Thank you. 0 -
Hello :) I moved these posts into their own thread, as it's an issue of it's own. Could you verify if you still experience slowness when updating cPanel? Are you using specific mirrors, and have you opened any previous support requests about the issue? Thank you.
Michael, No, I didn't open up a support request -- for two reasons: (a) the updates eventually completed and (b) it just didn't seem like something worthy of a ticket. I mean just making a statement about slow mirror performance ought to be in the forum for no other reason than to see if others are seeing the same issue. If nobody else was seeing the issue, then one could assume the problem was on my end -- and there is no reason to bug support about it. I'm not using specific hard-coded mirrors that I set up or anything. It's using whatever the normal mirrors are that the process chooses. Further investigation suggests that out of three machines, two of them took about 4 hours and one took about 5 hours for the update to complete. Sure, when a TSR is released people are scrambling to update, and so that plays a part in the mirror slowness. Under normal conditions I'm sure they are always very fast. But I just wanted to throw out there the fact that it was slow for me, given the fact that the TSR announcement email said that more details were going to be released just one day later. Seems to me that would not be long enough under normal circumstances for the majority of people to update, let alone long enough when mirrors are slow. Mike0 -
Yea, updates are still going pretty slow for me right now. I'm sure this is related to the masses all trying to get the updates at the same time. But this could also be a signal that it's time to add more mirrors. 0 -
New Yea, updates are still going pretty slow for me right now.
Could you open a support ticket so we can take a closer look? It's important to open a ticket when these types of issues occur so we can alert our system administration team. You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you.0 -
I had the same problem in several servers since yesterday, but not in all. I think currently the problem is mirror 0 -
[plain]I don't know if there's really a need to open a ticket. Just try downloading the files: I get about 10KBps at that mirror I get about 4KB/s on that mirror Again, I'm not necessarily saying that there's anything wrong with the mirrors per se. I'm sure all of the mirrors are being inundated with people trying to get the updates. Maybe there's just not enough mirrors? Or something needs to be done to better distribute who gets what from what mirror.[/plain] 0 -
i also feel the upcp process is slow,is possible any way to increase the speed ? 0 -
i also feel the upcp process is slow,is possible any way to increase the speed ?
It's possible that mirrors can perform poorly at certain times. It's important to open a support ticket when you notice this so that our system administration team can investigate this and determine the best course of action. For instance, just recently, three specific mirrors that were performing poorly were removed from rotation. Thank you.0 -
I can confirm the mirrors have terribly been slow and are still slow one server has been updating cpanel since 23:22:07 yesterday (that's over 9 hours now) I was updating a clients Apache (40 + minutes to download ) this morning it got so bad I had to hunt for a faster mirror as set it I checked about 10 mirrors all were slow or would completely time out 0
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