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TLS 1.2 - Questions



  • sehh
    Apparently someone named Kenneth thinks that the EOL in 2017 is irrelevant and that we should create new servers with a recent CentOS version. Provide OpenSSL 1.0.1c or Higher as cPanel RPM, to allow TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
  • cPanelKenneth
    Hello, OpenSSL is provided by your operating system (e.g. CentOS), not by cPanel. If you want TLS 1.2 support on CentOS 5 then you need to petition either Red Hat, or CentOS, to make a newer version of OpenSSL available. I believe there are some projects that make newer OpenSSL RPMs available on CentOS 5. With the end of life of CentOS 5 only 17 months away, now is the time to start moving to a newer OS. CentOS 7 is recommended.
  • sehh
    Last time I checked, EasyApache used its own deprecated libraries and would ignore our custon openssl. Has that changed? oh and 17 months is a bit over a whole YEAR... you make it sound like EOL is in 17 days :)
  • cPanelMichael
    Note that others visiting this thread can find additional discussion of the PCI compliance issue (including information about the extended deadline) at: I need to disable TLS v1.0 Thank you.

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