Can I run cPanel on OpenStack to get high availibility?
Our company has two locations. I would like to run a cPanel server that has high availability so if one location goes down our email and web hosting will stay online. Since this is not currently available natively in cPanel I was wondering if I could achieve high availability by installing cPanel on an OpenStack cluster?
If so...could someone please explain how the replication of files between the servers takes place? Also...I don't have any experience with OpenStack...can I achieve high availability with only two servers or do I need more than two?
Hello :) cPanel currently supports clustering for DNS purposes only. There is support to host your databases on a remote MySQL server, however beyond that, there are no native options that allow for mirroring of your websites or automatic replacement of a network/IP address if the event another fails. I recommend searching our forums for "mirroring" and "high availability" for custom solutions that other users may have implemented. There are lots of discussions about the best ways to do this. EX: Load Balancing Load Balancing Servers cPanel Load Balanced Servers Also, feel free to add your input to the following active feature requests: Active Redundancy or High Availability Built-in load balancing, replication, high availability | cPanel Feature Requests Thank you. 0 -
Thank you for your reply. I will take a look at the links that you have provided. I was under the impression that it did not matter what cPanel supported natively because from it's perspective I would be simply installing it on a standard Linux server even though it was being installed on a virtual Linux instance that was running on OpenStack in high availability mode. 0 -
You can install cPanel on the OpenStack environment, however there's no native support for high availability or replication in the cPanel software itself. You can find some informative comments on the following feature request: Application Container Support Thank you. 0 -
Yes, that is my point. I don't know much about OpenStack but I was under the impression that it was managing the high availability independent of cPanel's native features. I first became aware of OpenStack when I was talking to BlueHost (our hosting provider) a few weeks ago and the tech mentioned that they were now running cPanel on Openstack. It seems like they are now promoting high availability as a feature of their cloud based hosting. 0 -
There is a Feature Request open for Open Stack Support, here: OpenStack support 0 -
since you are talking about "Our company has two locations" open stack may not help your with this unless you have anycast IP address's. We have been running a HA on our company server set up for quite a number of years Its not that hard to set up and depending on your needs how elaborate you want to go. 0
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