Why does EasyApache4 block Nginx installation using yum & official Nginx repos?
Simple question.
CentOS 6.x, EasyApache 4.
Try installing Nginx from its official repos.
That's a no go.
I get presented with a conflict message regarding Nginx and EasyApache's httpd package.
Is this intentional cPanel folks?
Why on earth would a yum package, unless it's the same software as EasyApache's (e.g httpd), ever conflict with EasyApache 4?
Hello, Please post the conflict message you are shown. Thank you. 0 -
Hello, Please post the conflict message you are shown. Thank you.
Ditto. We need more information to be able to assist with this. It's possible that EA4 is providing a package that the Nginx repo provides, but ours is overriding it, however we need more information :)0 -
I'm retrieving this from /var/log/yum.log because I switched to EasyApache 3 to bypass the issue... The package is: ea-apache24-2.4.18-1.1.x86_64 0 -
This is happening because Nginx is providing it's own 'webserver' meta-package, which conflicts with cPanels 'webserver' meta-package. ---> Package nginx.x86_64 0:1.8.1-1.el6.ngx will be installed --> Processing Conflict: ea-apache24-2.4.18-2.1.x86_64 conflicts webserver --> Processing Conflict: ea-apache24-2.4.18-2.1.x86_64 conflicts webserver
EA4 doesn't yet officially support Nginx, so having both EA4 and Nginx installed from the repos like this is not supported. Some plugins may provide Nginx support with EasyApache 4 already, but you'd need to search those out.0 -
I'm the maker of one of these plugins :) Engintron... However, as it's been the case with Engintron since day one, to make the entire process easy, I use the official Nginx repos to perform the installation and also allow the entire system to update Nginx when it also gets updated. Now, knowing that cPanel has plans to support Nginx at some point, does this have anything to do with it? Cause guys if it is, it looks kinda lame to block Nginx's installation from its own repos... (no offence) 0 -
Hi, When we spun up these packages, we paid no attention to Nginx or any other software, so we didn't block anything at all, it's just how the stack was built. 0 -
Would you mind fixing it then? It's nice for cPanel users to have options, right? Why not make everyone's life easier and use package managers for CentOS and not rebuild each software package we wanna use from scratch? Makes keeping your system safe and secure a reality. 0 -
Hi, There's nothing really to fix. Both EA4 and upstream CentOS conflicts with any other 'webserver' package. This is how CentOS keeps other webservers from being installed and causing issues. We've simply cloned how CentOS distributes the packages. If we were to remove this conflict, this would allow anyone to 'yum install httpd', and install the upstream versions of httpd, which would greatly conflict with EA4. Thus, we won't be able to remove this conflict. I'd recommend compiling Nginx from source, or spinning up / distributing your own Nginx stack that's compatible with EA4. 0 -
So you're saying that if I install a stock CentOS 7 build without cPanel, install Apache (httpd) and then try to install Nginx from its repos, it will fail? For real? 0 -
Hi, I take back what I said. We went over this about a year ago when we were initially spinning up these packages. I just attempted to verify that with a vanilla CentOS 6 install, and indeed there are no conflicts in that, nor in the sources RPMs I pulled down from CentOS. The original purpose was to keep users from doing a 'yum install httpd' and having a bad day. I've opened case EA-4107 to take a look at this and see if we can remove this conflict. Thanks for the report sir! 0 -
Also, if you come across any other difficulties getting Nginx going with EA4, please feel free to email me. perk [@] cpanel.com Thanks again! 0 -
Thank you. I'll post back the link to your tracker in Engintron's project page for other users reference. I assume this affects both CentOS 6 and 7, right? Not just CentOS 6... 0 -
And BTW, that Jira link is inaccessible. 0 -
Hi, Yep, this affects both C6 & C7. 0 -
Can we monitor the progress of this issue somewhere. I see the Jira link is removed. 0 -
Unfortunately there isn't a place watch the progress, since it's an RPM change only. I'll be sure to update this thread with more information when we get look at it more in depth with full testing. PHP looks to be making a 5.6 update this week, so I expect we'll be making an EA3 & EA4 update shortly thereafter, and I hope to get this change into that update. 0 -
Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package nginx.x86_64 1:1.8.1-1.el7.ngx will be installed --> Processing Conflict: ea-apache24-2.4.18-1.1.x86_64 conflicts webserver --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: ea-apache24 conflicts with 1:nginx-1.8.1-1.el7.ngx.x86_64 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest 0 -
@UHLHosting if you read the thread you'll notice cPanel committed to fix this already. 0 -
Unfortunately there isn't a place watch the progress, since it's an RPM change only. I'll be sure to update this thread with more information when we get look at it more in depth with full testing. PHP looks to be making a 5.6 update this week, so I expect we'll be making an EA3 & EA4 update shortly thereafter, and I hope to get this change into that update.
Any chance the latest update has the issue fixed?0 -
Hi, We didn't get this change into the last update. I hope we'll be able to get this on our next sync out. 0 -
Simple question. CentOS 6.x, EasyApache 4. Try installing Nginx from its official repos. That's a no go. I get presented with a conflict message regarding Nginx and EasyApache's httpd package. Is this intentional cPanel folks? Why on earth would a yum package, unless it's the same software as EasyApache's (e.g httpd), ever conflict with EasyApache 4?
It's a little bit tricky but also can be done that way: Create a repo, get SRPM of nginx. Edit .spec file, make "provides webserver" something else, like "provides reverse-proxy". rebuild rpm. Distribute it from your own repo. It's just one line edit change, so it can be done automatically with a script. Easy for updates. Caveats: You have to create your own repo and maintain it. Another solution: This could be integrated into script, but servers need "Development Tools" to use rpmbuild to build the new package, then install it.0 -
Hopefully this issue is fixed. It would be a shame if we make things harder for developers that provide one of main problems cPanel has; I'm glad Engintron exists. 0 -
Hi, I meant to update this thread, but I did update the Engintron github issue. We released a fix on Tuesday that should get this working. Let us know how it goes! 0 -
@fevangelou Is this resolved and working now? Thanks. 0 -
@glenn0 It's best to follow progress on Engintron's GitHub repo... Start here: github.com/engintron/engintron/issues/88#issuecomment-205499495 Still not support for EA4? " Issue #88 " engintron/engintron This should get Engintron installed with EA4. Working to fix a couple of installation glitches and then v1.7.0 will be released with full EA4 support. My thanks to the cPanel team & @cPJacob for providing me with dev licenses to properly test Engintron's installer on vanilla CentOS setups :) 0 -
@fevangelou Perfect, thank you - I'll keep an eye on it.. 0
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