cPanel account restore does not work for remote mysql profile
I have a cPanel server with local mysql service having some accounts .
These accounts are now migrated to a server using cPanels transfer tool where there is no local mysql profile;but a remote mysql profile only. The account restore fails with a warning that mysql restore has failed .
On checking the remote mysql server I could find that none of the mysql databases has been restored!.
Is this how it works?. If yes I think it should be rectified . The restore should work to what ever mysql profile is active on the server to which the accounts are restored.
Hello :), The issue might be related to the MySQL version. Please check if the MySQL version is same on both the servers. Also try restoring the cpmove file manually. 0 -
Actually I was able to fix this . The issue was that I was adding the mysql server via lan IP (the profile has the lan IP) ;but cpanel automatically added only the grants from the cpanel main IP(public IP). The workaround is to add the lan IP in "additional mysql access hosts section" Would have been great if cPanel automatically detect the connection going via the lan ip and add the grants for this IP rather than the wan IP. 0 -
Hello :) Internal case CPANEL-2825 is open to address an issue where activating a remote MySQL profile doesn't add local IP grants for users in new account creations or account transfers. There's currently no specific time frame on a resolution, but you can monitor our change log for this case number at: Change Logs - Documentation - cPanel Documentation Thank you. 0
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