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Latest Visitor to domain view has error



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) I believe Internal case CPANEL-3855 should address this issue, as it's open to address an issue where the table on the latest visitors page doesn't resize correctly when you resize the browser. You can monitor our change log for the inclusion of this case number at: Change Logs - Documentation - cPanel Documentation Thank you.
  • 4u123
    Are you aware also that the column sorting and options chosen are not remembered when you click the refresh symbol - or change pages? when you refresh the visitor data, or switch to another page of results - you then are required to choose the number of rows and / or column data again - it resets.
  • cPanelMichael
    Are you aware also that the column sorting and options chosen are not remembered when you click the refresh symbol - or change pages? when you refresh the visitor data, or switch to another page of results - you then are required to choose the number of rows and / or column data again - it resets.

    Yes, this is handled with a separate case, CPANEL-3868. Thank you.
  • vf-hostmaster
    This appears to still be a problem
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @hostmaster@visionfriendly - when I check the cPanel >> Visitors page on my end, I see there is a left and right scrollbar for very long URLs. Can you provide me with a screenshot of the specific behavior you're seeing?

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