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Select php versions



  • LostNerd
    Taken from: CloudLinux Documentation PHP Selector is a CloudLinux component that sits on top of CageFS. It allows each user to select PHP version and module based on their needs. PHP Selector requires account to have CageFS enabled to work. PHP Selector is compatible with the following technologies: suPHP, mod_fcgid, CGI (suexec), LiteSpeed. It is not compatible with mod_php/DSO, including mod_ruid2 and MPM ITK. PHP Selector is currently not compatible with PHP-FPM, though we are planning to support it in the future.
    You need to install the software separately to the initial OS install. Use this link for CageFS install instructions: CloudLinux Documentation
  • cPanelMichael
    Running cloudlinx+cpanel - migrated to a new server and we cannot seem to find the "select php version" which was available to the customers on our old box. Where do we enable that?

    Hello :) Yes, as mentioned, you can find installation instructions for PHP Selector at: PHP Selector Thank you.

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