EasyApache 4 - memcached extension for PHP 8.3 missing
cPanel Version
'php83-php-memcached' extension is missing in EasyApache 4
At the moment, there isn't a PHP 8.3. version of the Memcached module (see https://pecl.php.net/package/memcached - specifically https://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=memcached ). By looks of things, building the module from source does work on PHP 8.3 ( https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/issues/549 ) - but you'll probably need to build your own SCL package ( https://docs.cpanel.net/ea4/basics/easyapache-4-faq/#how-do-i-install-a-vendor-provided-version-of-php ) for it.
Be aware that there a few other modules still not compatible with PHP8.3: IIRC ImagickMagick is one of them.
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php83-php-memcached is still missing after today's EA 4 update
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Thanks for the reply. I don't go by PECL packages logs since it is outdated (ie memcached for 8.2), as are lot of packages, some still missing for 8.2
I do build my own (imagick 3.7.0 and memcached 3.2.9, libmemcached-awesome 1.1.4) for non-cPanel servers and/or use Remi's builds.
I just thought would be nice for cPanel to build the most common that are missing instead of exclusively relying on PECL (given what they charge for licenses).
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