update php version in Easyapache4
we have several cpanel servers with easyapche 4. i wanted to update some php versions, but it does not work for me. I tried to do it myself using yum update ea-php55 but change does not reflect.
I mean php 5.5 and 5.6 need the latest versions. Now php 5.5 is 5.5.30 whereas the latest version is now 5.5.35 and 5.6 is also old. How do we get these versions updated...?
found solution myself yum list |grep ea-php55 ea-php55.x86_64 5.5.35-1.1 @EA4 I could also see updates for php using the command "yum update |grep ea-php55" and update will work if we use the command "yum update ea-php55-*" 0 -
Hi, Simply run 'yum update', and you will get the new packages. 0
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