EA4 php.ini/local.ini behavior
I'm testing out EasyApache 4 on a dev system and noticing an odd behavior change, relative to EA3.
On our production EA3 systems, the system-wide php.ini is in /usr/local/lib/php.ini. Site-specific php.ini files in user home directories work as expected; for example /home/testaccount/public_html/php.ini overrides the system-wide php.ini and all is well.
On my EA4 test system, the system-wide php.ini is /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.ini, and again, php.ini files in user home directories work as expected.
However, if any changes are made within the MultiPHP INI editor, it triggers the creation of /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.d/local.ini. At that point, php.ini files within user home directories are no longer honored; it appears that local.ini is the *only* configuration file that is used.
Is this the desired behavior? Is there any way to get site-specific php.ini files to work if local.ini exists?
Thanks for any insight.
Check the local.ini file to see if it has this line: user_ini.filename = "php.ini" 0 -
However, if any changes are made within the MultiPHP INI editor, it triggers the creation of /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.d/local.ini. At that point, php.ini files within user home directories are no longer honored; it appears that local.ini is the *only* configuration file that is used.
Hello, Currently, you must rename the php.ini file in the user's home directory to ".user.ini". Here's an example on the command line:mv /home/$username/public_html/php.ini /home/$username/public_html/.user.ini
Thank you.0 -
Thanks kdean and Michael, I confirmed that I was able to fix this by either renaming the php.ini to .user.ini or by setting user_ini.filename = "php.ini" in local.ini 0 -
I'm happy to see the information was helpful. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0 -
Hi Michael, do you know if there's a Bugreport / Feature Requests where I could track if the problem about php.ini -> .user.ini gets resolved? Current MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel ( still creates php.ini files inside home directories... :) kind regards Sven B. 8) 0 -
I'm experiencing this same issue with EA4 on Renaming php.ini to .user.ini is half a fix - however, according to the PHP documentation, "Only INI settings with the modes PHP_INI_PERDIR and PHP_INI_USER will be recognized in .user.ini-style INI files." So upload_max_filesize can be modified, for instance, but allow_url_fopen cannot (which in this case is the directive that my customer needs enabled). According to phpinfo(), the local php.ini file is being picked up (via "loaded configuration file"), but I presume all the directives are being overridden by local.ini, as nothing I change seems to make any difference. In our case, therefore, using a .user.ini (or setting "user_ini.filename = php.ini") is not a valid workaround; is it possible to get back the old behaviour whereby the local php.ini takes precedence? If this is not possible, the "allow_url_fopen" and "allow_url_include" options should be removed from the cPanel-specific MultiPHP Editor. Thanks, Owen 0 -
Hello, The following documents explain how to edit php.ini files with EasyApache 4: How to Edit Your php.ini File - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation The cPanel PHPRC PHP Patch for EasyApache 4 - EasyApache 4 - cPanel Documentation In addition, this post should help to clarify how the behavior has changed in EasyApache 4: MySQL extension missing Let us know if this helps. Thank you. 0 -
Check the local.ini file to see if it has this line: user_ini.filename = "php.ini"
BANG! That was the solution I was looking for! Many thanks!0 -
Hello, Here's a quick overview of how this works for anyone else visiting this thread. I'll use PHP 7 in this example, but the same behavior applies to any PHP version in EasyApache 4. 1. By default, no local.ini exists within the /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/etc/php.d/ directory. 2. I browse to "WHM Home " Software " MultiPHP INI Editor " Basic Mode ", choose ea-php70, and make a change to a PHP directive (let's say enabling allow_url_fopen). 3. Once I save the changes, /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/etc/php.d/local.ini is created and includes this change: # grep allow_url_fopen /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/etc/php.d/local.ini allow_url_fopen = On
4. Assuming suPHP is configured as the PHP handler for PHP 7, and no local php.ini files exist under the account, allow_url_fopen correctly shows "On" in a PHPINFO file under a test account. 5. I then create a copy of /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/etc/php.ini with allow_url_fopen set to "Off" to /home/$user/public_html/php.ini. 6. When refreshing the PHPINFO page for the account, allow_url_fopen is still set to "On", despite the local php.ini file's setting. This is by design. If I want this option "Off", I must add the following line to the account's .htaccess file:suPHP_ConfigPath /home/$user/public_html/php.ini
Once I do this, the option then reflects the value defined in the account's php.ini file. Here's the link to the document that explains how this works:0 -
Hello, This is by design. If I want this option "Off", I must add the following line to the account's .htaccess file:
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/$user/public_html/php.ini
Once I do this, the option then reflects the value defined in the account's php.ini file. Here's the link to the document that explains how this works:0 -
Hello @4u123, Thank you for the feedback! There's actually a case open (EA-5554) to ensure that changes made via "cPanel >> MultiPHP INI Editor" work across all PHP handlers and PHP versions, and accounts for instances where the PHP handler or PHP version assigned to the account changes. I'll update this thread with more information on this case as it becomes available. Thank you. 0 -
Looking forward to this being resolved as it currently causes too many support requests. 0 -
Thank you for the feedback! There's actually a case open (EA-5554) to ensure that changes made via "cPanel >> MultiPHP INI Editor" work across all PHP handlers and PHP versions
Any Update ????0 -
Any Update ????
cPanel 62 includes some changes that improve how this feature works. Here's the pertinent section from the interface (Home >> Software >> MultiPHP Manager) to include a number of improvements. This includes the following improvements: [LIST]- The interface now also displays what version of PHP a virtual host inherits, rather than just the word inherit.
- When you change a virtual hosts' PHP version, the user interface notifies you of any other virtual hosts that may inherit these changes.
- We updated the PHP-FPM checks to queue the necessary missing packages when you click the Install button. This allows you to more easily install these packages. cPanel's MultiPHP INI Editor When you save changes in cPanel's
0 -
Using WHM 62 and still confused! Part of the confusion seems to be caused by the INI Editor creating a public_html/php.ini even though local.ini has the setting user_ini.filename = ".user.ini", in which case public_html/php.ini seems to be superfluous under default settings. How does /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.d/local.ini relate to /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.ini ? EA3 with SuPhp was far simpler to understand where several settings in a custom public_html/php.ini could over-ride a single server-wide php.ini. 0 -
Hello, The MultiPHP INI Editor will save changes to multiple configuration files to account for potential changes to the PHP handler. The purpose of this is to ensure that custom changes made via the editor are preserved when the PHP version or handler changes. Essentially, you should not have to make any manual changes to the PHP configuration files when using "cPanel >> MultiPHP INI Editor". Note that cPanel 64 includes additional improvements to account for .htaccess files and the DSO handler: 64 Release Notes - Version 64 Documentation - cPanel Documentation How does /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.d/local.ini relate to /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/etc/php.ini ?
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