Easyapache 4 + nginx
I want nginx because my server response is pretty slow and nginx usually makes this faster. I have whm 58 so I cannot revert to easyapache 3. So I have 3 questions on how to fix this.
How could I install nginx on easyapache4?
How can I speedup the server using easyapache4 modules or something else?
Is there a way to go from easyapache4 to easyapache3 so I can install nginx?
I have searched the web for this for a whole day but I can't seem to find a solution that actually works
cpnginx.com > ea4 supported (but multi php bug question)(paid) nginxcp.com > ea4 not support engintron > ea4 not support apachebooster > I do not know. I have not tried yet. (paid) 0 -
Hello, Information on installing and uninstalling EasyApache 4 is available on the following document: How to Install or Uninstall EasyApache 4 - EasyApache 4 - cPanel Documentation The previous post references some of the third-party plugins that allow for Ngnix support with EasyApache. However, I also encourage you to vote and add feedback to the following feature requests: Stand-alone nginx supported as an alternative to Apache Nginx proxied to Apache (not standalone Nginx) Thank you. 0 -
Engintron updated. Give it a try. It supports EA4 now. github.com/engintron/engintron#changelog Aug 17th, 2016 - v1.7.0 [LIST] - Engintron is now EasyApache 4 compatible.
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Hi, What about "nginxcp" is there new updated version of the same released ? I could see it not working with EA4 nginxcp.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=1633 0 -
XtendWeb (old ndeploy) and engintron applications are available now. (Free) xtendweb.gnusys.net/ engintron.com/ 0
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