SPF record question- multiple IP addresses
I have been having problems with deliverability of email messages sent from my server. I have several IPs on it, one being the main server IP xxx.15 and another for a specific domain on xxx.16. The dot 16 IP has most of the shared accounts on it but the mail server is on dot 15.
I discovered that when I create new accounts it is creating SPF records that only list the xxx.16 IP address as being allowed to send mail for the domain. I have now added the xxx.15 IP to the SPF record and am hoping this will help things (let me know if I have this all screwy in my head).
My question is, how can I set up cpanel to add that xxx.15 address automatically when it sets up a new account?
If you want to generate SPF record with multiple ip's then better edit the dns zone template and add the SPF record which you wish to have for all the newly created account. Sample entry would be like the below %domain%. IN TXT "v=spf1 a ip4: ip4: ip4: mx -all" Your server admin might be able to help to get this configured properly. 0 -
Thank you NixTree for your help and suggestions. I'm my own administrator, learning fast, but still a little clueless at times. Could you clarify the following for me: 1) I am looking in my Edit Zone Templates (simple) section in WHM and was going to put that line in but then had a thought, since the system already adds the xxx.15 address if I put it in like that (with both ips) will it cause any problems due to the duplication? 2) Do I also need to add the same line to the standard and standardvirtualftp zone templates as well? 3) Also, once I add that record to the template what do I need to do to propagate it to all the accounts on the server or should I go through and change things one at a time for the existing accounts? 0 -
I discovered that when I create new accounts it is creating SPF records that only list the xxx.16 IP address as being allowed to send mail for the domain. I have now added the xxx.15 IP to the SPF record and am hoping this will help things (let me know if I have this all screwy in my head).
Hello, The SPF record configured by cPanel will use the main server IP address. This is by design. The use of "+a" and "+mx" in the SPF record accounts for the possibility the domain name is assigned a dedicated IP address. Thus, you shouldn't have to manually add in the extra IP address. Could you let us know which issues you are having with sending email? Thank you.0
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