Major Issues with Email
Hello All,
Really having lots of issues and need someone to PLEASE help me and I really appreciate anyone that can assist me.
I just came over from using Plesk and wanted to work with WHM and C Panel.
These are my specs I have.
OVH Hosting - VPS centos 6 on WHM/C Panel. 24 GB Ram, brand new.
I am having so many issues I don't know where to start :(
here are the Errors I am getting.
SMTP Valid Hostname Reverse DNS is not a valid Hostname
SMTP Banner Check Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner
SMTP TLS Warning - Does not support TLS.
SMTP Transaction Time 15.298 seconds - Not good! on Transaction Time
On My Control panel for OVH Hosting, I have the Reverse set up to my domain name -
My hostname on my WHM = -
When I do a /etc/hosts I get the following: localhost
#.#.#.# ( this is my server IP )
Please Help!
Hello Steve, Those look to be warnings from an online utility that's scanning your server for email problems. Those aren't always an accurate representation of the state of your email server. SMTP Valid Hostname Reverse DNS is not a valid Hostname
It's generally accepted that you can configure RDNS for the IP address used for sending email on your system to match the hostname of the server. Configuring RDNS for the server's hostname instead of the individual domain name should address this warning message. If you're interested in advanced Exim configuration regarding the IP address used to send email, check out this document: How to Configure the Exim Outgoing IP Address - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel DocumentationSMTP Banner Check Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner
There's a thread where this warning message is discussed at: Easy FIX your SMTP banner, SMTP greeting and Reverse DNS for Dedicated IPsSMTP TLS Warning - Does not support TLS.
SMTP TLS is supported. This is discussed on the following post: Warning: No server certificate defined; TLS connections will fail.SMTP Transaction Time 15.298 seconds - Not good! on Transaction Time
That's actually by design to help prevent SPAM. The following option is documented on Exim Configuration Manager - Basic Editor - Documentation - cPanel Documentation : Introduce a delay into the SMTP transaction for unknown hosts and messages detected as spam. Typically, legitimate mailing systems will wait past the delay, whereas spammers do not wait past the delay. Let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks!0
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