Trying out cPanel and having issues
I need some serious help, basically the story is
We are moving our website from a hosting company internal, I have built a server that is the same specs as it is currently using down to the OS
The OS is centos 7.2
The Cpanel version is (WHM 58.0) (trail) once I can get it working the company will purchase the licesne
The site uses wordpress
After the restore of the backup through Cpanel it has loaded all the home directories and Mysql data correctly (identical to the current server)
How ever I am unable to navigate to the new site by IP which I should be able to
All it is giving me is 404 not found, this is where I am stuck
The wordpress files (php) are listed where they should be and the config file is pointing towards the database.
But is seems to me that when I am inserting the IP it isn't being directed correctly
Can anybody help?
Is the IP a public facing IP address? 0 -
This is the page Yes - the Public DNS have not been flipped yet 0 -
Have you properly given that account a dedicated IP address? Normally, a shared hosting account wouldn't open at an IP unless you're using mod_userdir tweak: Apache mod_userdir Tweak - Documentation - cPanel Documentation 0 -
I have given a dedicated internal and external IP, but how would I check this. Also where would I find the mod_userdir tweak 0 -
At the top of page on that documentation link I posted, the path is displayed as to where you'll find it in WebHost Manager: (Home >> Security Center >> Apache mod_userdir Tweak) You should see this on all help pages on the docs site. :) 0 -
Is this correct? 0 -
Basically I have done a restore from another CPanel (hosted by another company) within the backup - restore a full backup The files and databases are exactly the same (obviously apart from the IP's) 0 -
Yes. Checking that domain at and it looks like you've got CloudFlare enabled. See if disabling that helps at all. 0 -
Cloudflare? is that part of CPanel? 0 -
OK I know what you are saying "Checking that domain at" have you just done a lookup for mppglobal? (88.202.xx.xx) If you have it will show you where the current server where everything is working. I am trying to spin it up on another server on a completely different IP 51.141.x.xx 0 -
- Removed - The 404 is saying that it is not configured to your web directory. If\when you get the config correct, you will get a wordpress or apache error page. Are you using Apache as your web server? what does the apache.conf file point to? Is it configured as a virtual site? or is it your default web site? The default would point to /var/www/html/ It is also possible that there is a cPanel config for your web server. Check your error log file or apache log files for more details. /var/log/httpd/error_log 0 -
No need to pull a thread from some other forum in here to this one, link removed. If you've transferred that account from one cPanel server to another, that path to var/www/html/ wouldn't be correct. The account should be located at home/username/. Cloudflare? is that part of CPanel?
It's not. You would have added it to the current server or the old one. That account is using a CloudFlare IP address.OK I know what you are saying "Checking that domain at"
If you check it at that site, at bottom in the www A Record section you can see the CloudFlare IP being used.0 -
Can I ask you to send a screen shot of how you are seeing this please? "If you check it at that site, at bottom in the www A Record section you can see the CloudFlare IP being used." 0 -
No need, go to yourself, add the domain you show in the screenshot above, and go to bottom of page of the resulting details. You'll see it there in the www A Record section. 0 -
Hi, I have looked and that is the current site that is working. I am trying to replicate it on the 51 IP so the current server can be shut down 0 -
Story in a nut shell The current website which is working is being turned off soon I have built a server with cpanel installed so the data can be easily transferred It was from a recovery However when trying to access the site from the new IP it is giving me the 404 error 0 -
Assuming you only restored the account from backup but not made any changes to it since that need to be saved for some reason, you might try terminating the account properly via WebHost Manager and go again from the top. We're missing something simple here I think. You've got at least one Package setup on the server, no accounts. Create an account and give it that dedicated IP address as before. Visit that new account's cPanel and add an index.html to the public_html directory of the account. Now visit that IP address. Does the index.html open as expected? That should work as expected. 0 -
I am building it from the ground up, then trying a restore again 0 -
Do I need to insert anything in the index file? 0 -
Sure: Hello World That should do it. ;) 0 -
I have built the server and cpanel and after a restore it is saying RESTORE: 1 completed, 1 had warnings, and 0 failed. RESTORE: Account "mpp": Warnings Failed to restore the domain "": (XID mh89tc) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. (XID mh89tc) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. 0 -
OK managed to get it working after the restore, it only recognises the FQDN, I had to manually insert the IP into my host file to test 0 -
Good news then. Don't forget about tightening security on the new server. 0 -
I have got one more question, how do you recover a subdomain? 0 -
Your question is a bit vague. Subdomains are a part of the main account it was setup on. So, when you restore an account, the subdomain should be restored along with it. If you've created a subdomain with its own cPanel account, you'd restore it from backup the same as any cPanel account. 0 -
This is what I mean, it looks like there is different accounts which I have to create and restore? Can I do this in the same way as restoring the main site? It won't overwrite the existing files and configurations? 0 -
Are they listed in WebHost Manager under List Accounts? If yes, they're separate accounts and can be restored from a separate proper backup of the account, yes. 0 -
There is a drop down to select through the accounts on CPanel on the live website - but after restoring the backup files I am unable to do this through the test, does the server need restarting? 0 -
No. Server restarts should rarely be needed for anything really. That account switching menu is available to root and or Reseller that owns the account. So, if cPanel user: iandaniels is a Reseller and owns 5 separate accounts,,, etc, he can login to his own account and will have access to those other accounts as well, via that menu. You can easily check account owner of restored accounts from the List Accounts page, down the right side of page: WebHost Manager "Account Information "List Accounts If you restored the account from another server and it had a different owner there than here on the new server, you'd need to update the account to the new server's account owner. WebHost Manager "Account Functions "Modify an Account 0 -
Thanks that's great 0
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