HTTP 500 Error
I have restored a account from a backup, and before the site goes live I have tried to test my site by amending the local host file to recognise the fqdn
I tried to navigate to the test site and I am getting error
HTTP Error 500
I have checked the logs and nothing is appearing
Can someone help?
Hi, Have you checked Apache error logs ? Also, Pleases make sure your website is pointing to server IP. 0 -
Shouldn't the IP's be changed to where they are pointing after a full restore? Also where are the apache logs located I get this error *******.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 0 -
Do you have Apache mod_userdir Tweak enabled for the account? WebHost Manager "Security Center "Apache mod_userdir Tweak 0 -
That log has been enabled Tell a lie I can't seem to get it on 0 -
Detected mod_ruid2 in use. Using both mod_userdir and mod_ruid2 is not a supported configuration. Changes were not saved. 0 -
Probably the reason for the issue then. If you've got an IP you can dedicate to that account, you could open it on that IP instead once assigned to the account. 0 -
I have tried to access it via a dedicated IP too with the FQDN and it is still giving me the same error I have taken the https and changed for http and I am getting If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider: [EMAIL='webmaster@">webmaster@[/EMAIL] It is possible you have reached this page because: Would it be the SSL cert that is installed that could be causing this? 0 -
As there is a SSL cert that was recovered attached to the site 0 -
I have tried to access it via a dedicated IP too with the FQDN
The cPanel account is set to use a dedicated IP address or no? It must be to use the IP to access it. The domain wouldn't work of course until you updated the DNS for the domain to point to the server.0 -
I had the this problem where I had to amend my local host file with the dedicated IP to access a test webpage, I have tried both IP and FQDN (via the host file) and I am getting the error 500 But this is a secure site so the prefix is https Once I change this it gives me the default apache fault page 0 -
Well, your addition to the hosts file is used when using Apache mod_userdir Tweak, correct? But you can't use the mod_userdir tweak: Detected mod_ruid2 in use. Using both mod_userdir and mod_ruid2 is not a supported configuration. Changes were not saved.
I think you'd want to remove those edits to the hosts file on your computer. You should be able to bring up the site with or without SSL. If you're forcing SSL via htaccess, remove/remark that out there as well for now until you have the site operating as expected.0 -
Hi I have another question I have two account on one machine But they are looking at the same public IP support.******.com *******.com in the external DNS I have three entries *.********.com (wildcard) *********.com suport.********.com If I change these to look at the same IP would CPanel be able to successfully direct the traffic to its correct area? 0 -
Assuming this thread's problem is sorted, please start a new thread with more details. ;) 0 -
It isn't as of yet, the *********.com Is working as it should but the support.********.com Is still showing the http 500 error how do I disable the htaccess? 0 -
Renaming it from .htaccess to .htaccess.txt will disable it from working. 0 -
Silly question where would this usually be located 0 -
No worries, it's in your public_html and its a hidden dot file. Open cPanel File Manager, Top right corner click Settings, select "Show Hidden Files", save. 0 -
Disabling that didn't work 0 -
I am doing a live DNS flip tonight to the test webpage to see if this error persists 0 -
As I believe it to be a problem with the SSL Basically in a previous thread the main test website wasn't working when entering the public IP in the URL, we have since discovered that amending the local host file on my laptop and using the FQDN it worked I have tried to do this in my host file for this website I am having issues with and getting the http error 500 problem I have tried to insert the public IP address and not use FQDN and I am getting the original problem I had with my first site If that makes sense 0 -
in the external DNS I have three entries
What external DNS are you speaking of?0 -
AWS and Zerigo and cloud flare 0 -
The site I am trying to move is - Removed - I have got the - Removed - working 0 -
AWS and Zerigo and cloud flare
:-p You're going to have to go over your settings, or disable cloudflare until you get things moved and sorted.0 -
the support is ssl so it is https access cloud flare shouldn't matter if I am changing my local host file while I test it? 0 -
Well, it's not working, whatever you're doing, right? I have removed both links, no need here. But they do both work for me. I assume this is expected as they're on the old server still correct? 0 -
Yes it is pointing to the old server Now if you was to use the following IP you will see the problem This is the new/test site to access the main mpp site you have to edit your local host file 0 -
Is that the shared IP for the server? 0 -
I have just found a entry in a log don't know if it is relevant [23-Nov-2016 10:05:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 196608 bytes) in /home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/ on line 2201 Yes, that is the IP it will be using 0 -
A single website won't open on that shared IP, its a shared IP. If you want a single website to open on it, you'll need to assign that IP address to the account. New I have just found a entry in a log don't know if it is relevant
It's not.0
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