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Resolver Configuration Keeps Resetting



  • anushkumar
    From what I see, Google does not allow you to change this directly through resolve.conf Found this at Google : Google Groups More information on : Using Networks and Firewalls "|" Compute Engine Documentation "|" Google Cloud Platform Hope it helps!!
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Per the previous post, the following quote from that page applies here: [LIST]
  • Manually editing resolv.conf will result in it being reverted to the default DHCP every time your instance's 24-hour DHCP lease expires. To, make static modifications your your instance's resolv.conf, many flavors of Linux allow items to be prepended or appended to the DHCP policy. For example, dhclient.conf provides this functionality in Debian.
    There's a thread here you may find helpful when working around this issue: Google Groups Thank you.
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  • phillbooth
    Hi, I solved the problem by doing this.. Making the /etc/resolv.conf Immutable (unwritable) Once you are satisfied that you have set the DNS nameservers you'd like to use for host to ip resolution, you can now safely make the file unwritable, to prevent nova-agent automation from changing it on reboots. This should not affect your regular networking configuration, and only affects DNS resolution. chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf To remove the immutable file at any point later on you can do: chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf However, I am/was trying Google Cloud / Compute out for suitability, because there are a number of issues such as resolv.conf, server names not allowed as a valid domain ie has to be server1examplecom and most of importantly of all, no out-going emails are allowed yes 25, 587 etc are blocked for Apps so I would not be able to run an email server or get notifications Sending Email from an Instance "|" Compute Engine Documentation "|" Google Cloud Platform So at this time, because I want an out of the box solution (even they have given me free $300 spending for 2 months) Google Compute service is not for me. Thanks for everyone's help.

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