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Where is my PHP.INI file?



  • germany
    You'll need to create a very simple php script and place it in your home directory. Using a script editor or a plain text editor (not a word processor) create file called phpinfo.php with this code: That's all you need. Just one single line. Save the file and call it phpinfo.php. Upload this file to the public_html directory or whatever your main HTML directory is called. In your browser address bar, access the file by typing in: You'll get a complete list of all your php settings. In the phpinfo.php page you can see: [LIST]
  • the PHP version at the top of the file.
  • the location of your php.ini file
  • 0
  • SysSachin
    Hello, I have update another post regarding the same issue. Please check following post: New Thread - Issues increasing the size of the upload file

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