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Cpanel is missing "Contact Information" option under preferences.



  • Infopro
    Click your username, top right hand corner of cPanel for a new menu. :)
  • GI Canuck
    Hello. Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, there's no new menu option. All I can see are "Password & Security, Change Language, Change Style3, Reset Page Settings".
  • Infopro
    In WHM, search tool top left corner, search for: Feature Manager and select. Click Edit on your Features list. Use that search tool there to find: Update Contact Information, tick it to enable. Back in cPanel you should now see the new item listed.
  • GI Canuck
    I am sorry. Maybe I didn't make myself clear in the original post. That is the first area I checked. Unfortunately, "Update Contact Information" option does not exist in my WHM Feature manager. Instead I have "Update Notification Preferences" and that's it (And as far as I know that doesn't do anything) It seems like that option is a "Legacy" feature and does not exist in my WHM for some weird reason. Oddly enough, that is the only feature missing from my Feature Manager. Any other suggestions?
  • GI Canuck
    Feature Manager - Documentation - cPanel Documentation Looks like "Update Contact Information" does not exist in my current build. According to this document, "Update Notification Preference" handles that part. Update Notification Preferences : Enables notification preference options in the
  • Infopro
    Looks like "Update Contact Information" does not exist in my current build.

    What tier are you running? I've just checked the latest CURRENT and EDGE and both have the Feature listed.
  • Infopro
    I see you're on version 60 by your screenshots. cPanel Features List - Version 60 Documentation - cPanel Documentation This documentation says it's in the Preferences area in 62:
  • GI Canuck
    WHM 60.0 (build 35). I don't know why it's not listed, but according to Feature Manager - Version 60 Documentation - cPanel Documentation, that feature does not exist. As you can see, "Update Contact Information" feature is not on the list. (Seems like it's replace by "Update Notification Preference".
  • GI Canuck
    Would upgrading it to version 62 amend the issue? Would it break anything?
  • Infopro
    I'm not sure why it's not listed there. It's mentioned here: Contact Information - Version 60 Documentation - cPanel Documentation
  • Infopro
    Would upgrading it to version 62 amend the issue? Would it break anything?

    You should be fine on CURRENT. I've ran it on production servers for years.
  • GI Canuck
    Just upgraded it to 62. No dice. Still no Update Contact Information... just that "Update Notification Preference" and that's it.
  • Infopro
    Even if it was added to the Disabled Features list, it should show up when searching for it on the Features List page.
  • GI Canuck
    Yeah, that's why it's so strange. I've included a screenshot of all the features listed. No Update Contact Information. It's as if the option got never installed in the first place. (Maybe something in Apache needed to be turned on for it to show?) I have no idea why this is happening. It does sound like an isolated case though as I couldn't find anyone else having the same problem. I think I might as well put in a support ticket and see if CPanel techs can figure it out somehow.
  • Infopro
    Is this a fresh cPanel install or an existing server? That Features list in your screenshot is different than mine on an EDGE server.
  • GI Canuck
    It's a fresh install. Yup, that's the weirdest part about all this. I have another WHM (60 Build 35) with the same setup, but that one has Update Contact Information (legacy). BTW, Do you see "Update Notification Preference" on your feature manager? If yours have both "Update Notification Preference" & "Update Contact Information" at the same time, maybe mine is just missing a module or something. I think you are supposed to only have one, but not the other.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Internal case CPANEL-10738 is open to address an issue where "Contact Information" is not listed as a feature under the feature lists in WHM >> Feature Manager. This is fixed in cPanel version 64. In the meantime, you can workaround this issue by reviewing the feature list from the command line with a command such as:
    cat /var/cpanel/features/default
    Look for an entry like this:
    If it exists, edit this file to remove the line. This should ensure the feature is enabled. Thank you.
  • GI Canuck
    Hello Michael, Thanks for the suggestion but no luck with that either. All I've got is : api_shell=0 zoneedit=0 Maybe I'll just have to wait till v.64 comes out. However, it is very strange that both 60 & 62 of mine are missing this feature. (and ONLY this feature). Would 64 fix it in my case?
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Are you sure the account isn't assigned a package that's associated with a different feature list? You can see a list of all feature lists via a command such as:
    ls -al /var/cpanel/features
    If not, and if you can verify the feature isn't added to the /var/cpanel/features/disabled file, then try adding the following line to the /var/cpanel/features/default file: updatecontact=1 Let us know if this helps. Thank you.
  • GI Canuck
    Hello Michael. Thank you for the quick reply. Yes, I am sure the account isn't assigned to a different package. Checked the /var/cpanel/features/disabled file. It is empty. As for /var/cpanel/features/default, it only had : api_shell=0 & zoneedit=0 (Strangely, nothing else is in there). In default file, I added updatecontact=1 as you suggested and rebooted the server, but nothing changed unfortunately. Feature Manager still doesn't show update contact information option. I am not sure what to do next.
  • cPanelMichael
    Feel free to open a support ticket using the link in my signature so we can take a closer look. You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you.
  • GI Canuck
    Hello Michael, Just submitted a ticket. # 8157837 Thank you very much.
  • Infopro
    As for /var/cpanel/features/default, it only had : api_shell=0 & zoneedit=0 (Strangely, nothing else is in there).

    Have you tried adding or removing anything from the default list via WebHost Manager and save, then check that file? I think I'd like to know why it's not writing to that file properly if it was me.
  • GI Canuck
    Have you tried adding or removing anything from the default list via WebHost Manager and save, then check that file? I think I'd like to know why it's not writing to that file properly if it was me.

    Hello infopro. I tried that and whatever I turned off got turned off, so apparently manipulating package file directly seems to work, but Update Contact Information is still a no show.
  • Infopro
    Once you saved via WHM, and then checked that file again it's now properly populated with all the details it should have, only that one item is still missing?
  • GI Canuck
    PROGRESS!! I've upgraded cPanel WHM to v.62 (build 6) and restarted everything. Contact Information is finally showing up! Now I have another problem though. When I reset the password. The email with Security Code never gets sent out. (I am having the EXACT same problem on the other WHM as well). Fix one problem, another shows up. This is getting weirder and weirder.
  • Infopro
    Sounds like a new thread issue to me. :)

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