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skip-name-resolve mysql



  • Benito


    I like to know if "skip-name-resolve" is now supported.

    The related feature request has gone. 


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Benito - no.  In fact, we've specifically updated our documentation to say that you should not use it:

  • sahostking
    nevermind I just tried it on some servers and its working well.
  • cPanelMichael
    nevermind I just tried it on some servers and its working well.

    Hello, Keep in mind that cPanel isn't designed or tested with the skip-name-resolve option enabled in the /etc/my.cnf file, and it can break certain functionality. Thanks!
  • sahostking
    Hi It used to break phpmyadmin but for some reason its not doing so on any of our servers this time round. We last tried it if I am correct 2 years ago. But its seems to be fine this time round and is working well. Haven't found anything yet that is broken and its 2 days and we have a few thousand clients which would have caused some complaints by now we would've noticed in the next day if that was an issue. So we happy for now with having it enabled.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @sahostking, It's mostly noticeable when using a remote MySQL server, during account transfers and restorations, and with phpMyAdmin. You might not notice any issues when using MySQL on the local server, but keep in mind it's usage remains unsupported. Thank you.
  • jyt123
    I just try and get an error when I create a database and attribute the user permission, I get this error message "The system received an error from the "MySQL" database "mysql": ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH (Can't find any matching row in the user table) " Once I remove the line it's OK, anyone has a solution cause like sahosking says it is way faster and easy on the server load
  • cPanelMichael
    Once I remove the line it's OK, anyone has a solution cause like sahosking says it is way faster and easy on the server load

    Hello, Using skip-name-resolve is not supported at this time, but I encourage you to vote and add feedback to the existing feature request for this at: Allow skip-name-resolve in the MySQL configuration. Thanks!
  • Benito

    Hello! Thanks for clarification.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Sure thing!


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