Unable to upgrade wordpress plugins
We're having a strange issue with upgrading wordpress plugins from within wordpress.
The wordpress engine was uploaded by the end user (but it is also happening when using wordpress installs from softaculous).
When trying to upgrade a plugin, an error occurs. The message being displaying on screen is;
"Update Failed: Could not remove the old plugin."
And there are indeed some directories left (only directories, no files).
Also uninstalling a plugin with directories seems to fail (the default akismet can't be uninstalled correctly).
I've tried running these installers using different PHP versions, etc.
there are no exceptions in the error log for the website.
the file and folder permissions seem to be correct.
I am able to delete the plugin directory when I login as this user.
anyone any idea what could cause this issue?
You don't mention what your server set up is / what modules you are using. Are you the server admin / have root access to the server? If not speak to your webhost about this issue and ask them to check permissions.... If you are server admin - does this happen on other WP installs / other websites on the same server? I had a similar issue some time ago. I resolved it by changing file permissions on the WP install (folders to 755 and files to 644) and ensuring ownership of the public_html folders and files were correct. In my case ownership/Group was User User 0 -
Yes I'm the server admin. it is happening on all WP installs on the server. (i've even created a demo website for myself and installed wordpress via softaculous). the file permissions are already (the cPanel default) of 644 (and directories are 755). When su-ing to the website user (which is listed as the owner of the files), then i am able to delete the directories. The files and directories have the correct owner and group assigned to them. Those were the first things i looked at. I am able to upgrade the plugins when I pickup the website directory and put it on a 'normal' lamp environment. So the issue is related to this server instance. What modules do you mean? I'm kind of new to cPanel, mostly worked with debian based lamp servers and not a gui. 0 -
We had similar issues recently. Updates across all WP sites were failing and displaying the Maintenance page. Users were trying to update all the Plugins at once using the 'update-core' page (update all Plugins). We found that carrying out these updates individually via the 'plugins' page (one at a time) resolved the issue. Not sure if that helps in any way but worked for us. 0 -
@dave, No, this is actually the feature I was using to try to update a plugin manually.. 0 -
Hello, Have you made any recent changes to the PHP handler utilized by the versions of PHP installed on the system (E.g. suPHP, PHP-FPM)? If not, you may want to post on the WordPress support forums to see if there's anything in-particular they recommend checking. Also, you could try setting up a new cPanel account, installing WordPress as a cPAddon (WHM >> Install cPAddons Site Software), and then installing WordPress on the new account via the "Site Software" option. Once you do that, check to see if you can reproduce the issue. Thank you. 0 -
@cPanelMichael, Removed my demo account and recreated it (home dir was also removed, double checked that). installed wordpress through cpanel addon software. went into wordpress admin page. Installed an older version of wordpress-seo and tried to upgrade it. Failed with the same message. Also removing the already existing plugin akismet fails and only the empty directories remain. We're using cPanel for about 2 months now and there haven't been any changes in the php configurations other then the max upload size en max memory settings. 0 -
Feel free to open a support ticket using the link in my signature if you'd like us to take a closer look and rule out any issues with cPanel & WHM. Thank you. 0 -
I raised a ticket with cpanel support, but they were also unable to find the cause. So I had to digg a bit deeper.. eventually I found that we had mkdir disabled in the php.ini (disable_function). Updating the plugins was working again removing it from that list. 0 -
I'm happy to see you were able to solve the issue. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0
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