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Apache Pre VirtualHost Include and SSL Cipher Suite cPanel Config



  • cPanelJasonT
    Hello, Thank you for the contribution. SSL Ciphers for Apache can be modified in WHM Home "Service Configuration "Apache Configuration under the Global Configuration. Documentation for this feature is available here: Apache Configuration - Documentation - cPanel Documentation
  • PbG
    Thank you again vlee! This suite looks good! I just need to figure out how to change the sort order so all 256 are preferred over 128.
    Just being nice today... I found this following configuration below is very helpful in providing solid security on cPanel servers. Scored a A+ on SSL Server Test at SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs) No weak Cipher Suites at all. Everyone is welcome use what I have and even improve it and please post your improvements in this thread thank you. SSL Cipher Suite
    I hope this helps you all out.

  • vlee
    Udated SSL Ciphers for Apache

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