Need to update VHost file
Pardon the noobie questions as I'm a long time Windows guy struggling in a Linux world.
Anyway, we are trying to configure Mattermost on a seperate cPanel user dedicated to mattermost. We had it up and running without ssl and I believe my contractor said it was using GoLang webserver.
Anyway, I enabled SSL with Lets's Encrypt in WHM and everything stopped working.
My contractor says we need to update the apache vhost files and I'm not sure where that is.
Question, where are the VHost files located so we can edit either manually or thru WHM (Preferred).
Hello, The term vhost is a shorthand for VirtualHost, which is a directive in the Apache web server configuration. The VirtualHost code block is the section of the apache configuration file which dictates the hosting environment for a cPanel users' hosted content. cPanel manages the apache configuration to such a degree that when something is changed in the cPanel users' accounts, the apache configuration file is rebuilt. This means that any edits to the main apache configuration file will be overwritten when account details are changed. However, there are ways to include information within the Global Apache confiuration, or with a Virtualhost directive block by adding it to the Apache confiuration via include files. The documentation for adding these includes is available here: Modify Apache Virtual Hosts with Include Files - EasyApache 4 - cPanel Documentation When these includes are added, the configuration changes won't be overwritten with other updates to configuration files. 0
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