Problem adding LittleUtils
I have installed LittleUtils on my CloudLinux server:
First the dependencies:
Downloading and untarring LittleUtils (1.0.37 is also available):
It is also possible that your binaries aren't accessible to your web server user. You can link these binaries using the following commands:
Verifying installation:
- Last one does not find anything?!?
- Last one does not find anything?!?
- Last one does not find anything?!?
- Does not find anything?!?
If it's installed correctly you should see something like: root@server [/usr/local/bin]# which opt-jpg /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg On every which. After that I created:
And inserted:
Run the update of CageFS
And enable CageFS
However, it's not working (yes only for jpg), the others (see above) are not to be found using which... What am I doing wrong here?
# yum install gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip lzma
Downloading and untarring LittleUtils (1.0.37 is also available):
# wget
# tar -jxf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2
# cd littleutils-1.0.27
# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && make install-extra
It is also possible that your binaries aren't accessible to your web server user. You can link these binaries using the following commands:
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg /usr/bin/opt-jpg
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-png /usr/bin/opt-png
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/opt-gif /usr/bin/opt-gif
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/tempname /usr/bin/tempname
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/imagsize /usr/bin/imagsize
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/gifsicle /usr/bin/gifsicle
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngcrush /usr/bin/pngcrush
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngrecolor /usr/bin/pngrecolor
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/pngstrip /usr/bin/pngstrip
Verifying installation:
# which to-xz
# which opt-jpg
# which opt-png
- Last one does not find anything?!?
# which lowercase
# which opt-gif
- Last one does not find anything?!?
# which tempname
# which pngstrip
# which jpegtran
# which imagsize
# which filesize
# which pngcrush
- Last one does not find anything?!?
# which gifsicle
- Does not find anything?!?
# which pngrecolor
If it's installed correctly you should see something like: root@server [/usr/local/bin]# which opt-jpg /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg On every which. After that I created:
# vi /etc/cagefs/conf.d/littleutils.cfg
And inserted:
paths = /usr/local/bin/to-xz, /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg, /usr/local/bin/opt-png, /usr/local/bin/lowercase, /usr/local/bin/opt-gif, /usr/local/bin/tempname, /usr/local/bin/pngstrip, /usr/bin/jpegtran, /usr/local/bin/imagsize, /usr/local/bin/filesize, /usr/bin/pngcrush, /usr/bin/gifsicle, /usr/local/bin/pngrecolor
Run the update of CageFS
# cagefsctl --force-update
And enable CageFS
# /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --enable-all
However, it's not working (yes only for jpg), the others (see above) are not to be found using which... What am I doing wrong here?
Hello, I see support ticket number 8591435 was opened to request assistance with this issue. I'll monitor the support ticket and update this thread with the outcome once the ticket is complete. Thank you. 0 -
I wish... But, I got a message from CPanel support that they will not honour my support request because it's thirth party software. 0 -
What I did find... on the following site: CW Image Optimizer (it's from the WordPress plugin why I need it) For the opt-png, the following RPM is needed: # cd /usr/local/src/ # wget # rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm
Problem is that that host doesn't exist anymore: unable to resolve host address "" So I've found another host:# wget # rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpm
But if I run:# yum install gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip
I get (again):Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, rhnplugin, universal-hooks Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was 14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host ''" * EA4: * cpanel-addons-production-feed: * cloudlinux-x86_64-server-6: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host ''" Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: rpmforge. Please verify its path and try again
So that doesn't work also :( This is probably because I need to update rpmforce mirrors... But that's where the system lost me... I'm just to stupid I'm afraid... Don't want to mess my server up...0 -
I remove the old rpm yum remove rpmforge-release
And installed a newer version# cd /usr/local/src/ # wget # rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm
No errors this time about not existing url's :) After that I did the install from above (with the latest LittleUtils) and this time:# which opt-png
Does work! However, the plugin still says: CW Image Optimizer requires littleutils. You are missing: opt-png, opt-gif. So I am still not completely there :( Any ideas?0 -
Found it :) Some files where not in /usr/local/bin but in /usr/bin so I changed the symlinks and now it's working :) I hope I did everything correct. ln -sf /usr/bin/opt-png /usr/local/bin/opt-png ln -sf /usr/bin/opt-gif /usr/local/bin/opt-gif ln -sf /usr/bin/jpegtran /usr/local/bin/jpegtran ln -sf /usr/bin/pngcrush /usr/local/bin/pngcrush ln -sf /usr/bin/gifsicle /usr/local/bin/gifsicle
0 -
I'm happy to see the issue is now addressed. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0 -
Still could use your help Michael... Everything is installed correct but I get the error: Bad response from optimizer I should be able to see the error (and why it's there) in the Apache Error log (the error log), but I don't know where to find it.... The complete install I've done so far: LittleUtils Edit: vi /etc/cagefs/conf.d/littleutils.cfg [littleutils] comment=littleutils paths = /usr/local/bin/to-xz, /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg, /usr/local/bin/opt-png, /usr/local/bin/lowercase, /usr/local/bin/opt-gif, /usr/local/bin/tempname, /usr/local/bin/pngstrip, /usr/local/bin/jpegtran, /usr/local/bin/imagsize, /usr/local/bin/filesize, /usr/local/bin/pngcrush, /usr/local/bin/gifsicle, /usr/local/bin/pngrecolor Run (just to be sure): yum remove rpmforge-release Batch: cd /usr/local/src/ wget rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm yum install file gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip lzma #First need to install old version, else tempname does not get created wget tar -jxf littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 cd littleutils-1.0.27 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && make install-extra cd .. rm -r -f littleutils-1.0.27 rm -f littleutils-1.0.27.tar.bz2 wget tar -jxf littleutils-1.0.37.tar.bz2 cd littleutils-1.0.37 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && make install-extra cd .. rm -r -f littleutils-1.0.37 rm -f littleutils-1.0.37.tar.bz2 ln -sf /usr/bin/opt-png /usr/local/bin/opt-png ln -sf /usr/bin/opt-gif /usr/local/bin/opt-gif ln -sf /usr/bin/jpegtran /usr/local/bin/jpegtran ln -sf /usr/bin/pngcrush /usr/local/bin/pngcrush ln -sf /usr/bin/gifsicle /usr/local/bin/gifsicle ln -sf /usr/bin/tempname /usr/local/bin/tempname cagefsctl --force-update /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --enable-all
When I disable CageFS for this user, all works fine!0 -
When I disable CageFS for this user, all works fine!
You may want to reach out directly to CloudLinux regarding this issue on their support forums at: CloudLinux Support Forums Thank you.0 -
I did, and it's fixed now :) I had an error in my /var/log/apache2/error_log sh: /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg: /bin/dash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory sh: /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg: /bin/dash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory sh: /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg: /bin/dash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
So they added dash:cagefsctl --addrpm dash cagefsctl --force-update
And now it works :)0
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