DNS Name Server Questions
Can this be done below using both IPv4 and IPv6 for name servers at the same time?
ns1.IPv4 Address
ns1.IPv6 Address
ns2.IPv4 Address
ns2.IPv6 Address
What are the benefits doing it this if any?
Is it good or a bad way doing it this way above?
Nothing wrong with it, it means you would be able to accept DNS queries for both IPv4 and IPv6. Make sure you are registering both at your registrar as well. 0 -
Now the question is how to add a IPv6 IP to a cPanel DNS Only Server. Does anyone know how to do this on CentOS 7.x with cPanel DNS Only Server? 0 -
Hi, You can check the below link which is similar to the one you are checking. cPanel DNSonly ipv6 0 -
Hi, You can check the below link which is similar to the one you are checking. cPanel DNSonly ipv6
Ya found that link and did the following below but after restarted named service the IPv6 IP Address that is also on the server is not showing up in WHM.listen-on-v6 { any; }; after the line options {
I guess cPanel DNS Only Servers art not fully ready to use IPv6 IP Addresses at this point.0 -
Hi, You may have to use one IPv6 IP address for your server too. Have you configured it? 0 -
I have 3 cPanel DNS Only Servers right night they are configured and running one IPv4 IP and each 3 the servers also have one IPv6 IP on each server. I have added to the following code to each of the 3 servers listen-on-v6 { any; }; after the line options {
I just do not know how to add the IPv6 IP to each of the servers properly since for the most part it has been running IPv4 IP's for the past 5 years and connected to 5 cPanel web servers in a cluster environment. IPv4 IP's are easy to do but IPv6 IP's is a different story for the cPnel DNS Only Server environment. So if someone that has done it before successfully that could list step by step procedures on how to do it properly then that would be great.0 -
Hello, You'd need to register the IP addresses to the name servers at the domain registrar of the domain name the name servers are associated with. You can check with the domain registrar's support team to see if they allow the registration of IPv6 and IPv4 addresses for the same name servers. You can also find a feature request for native IPv6 support with cPanel DNS-Only at: IPv6 Support in DNS ONly Thank you. 0 -
I already added the IPv6 with the IPv4 to Godaddy to the name servers and Godaddy does support both. I also am following and made a comment in the feature request IPv6 Support in DNS ONly 0 -
I already added the IPv6 with the IPv4 to Godaddy to the name servers and Godaddy does support both.
You'd have to setup the IPv6 address on the DNS-Only server manually, and then add the corresponding IPv6 record to the domain name's DNS zone on the cPanel server that hosts the associated domain name. Thank you.0 -
You'd have to setup the IPv6 address on the DNS-Only server manually, and then add the corresponding IPv6 record to the domain name's DNS zone on the cPanel server that hosts the associated domain name. Thank you.
What file do I need to modify on the DNS-Only server manually?0 -
What file do I need to modify on the DNS-Only server manually?
I'm referring to the addition of the IPv6 address itself. You'd do this by manually editing the network configuration files, or by following the instructions from a URL like the one below: Configure IPv6 Addresses And Basic Troubleshooting In Linux Thank you.0 -
Looks like I have it working and will see after 1 or 2 days when everything propagated with domain registrar. 0 -
Ok... The only errors that is coming now is IPv6 not accessible over UDP and TCP on port 53 I have checked the firewall and Port 53 is open. 0 -
Hello, Are you using a firewall management utility such as CSF? If so, note there's a separate port configuration for IPv6 named "IPv6 Port Settings" in the CSF configuration. Thank you. 0 -
Yes, I am using CSF. I have IPv6 Ports configured and Port 53 is open there too. 0 -
Feel free to open a support ticket if you'd like us to take a closer look to see why the IPv6 addresses are not accessible over port 53. Thank you. 0 -
Feel free to open a support ticket if you'd like us to take a closer look to see why the IPv6 addresses are not accessible over port 53. Thank you.
Thank you Michael I have submitted a support ticket.0 -
both IPv4 and IPv6 for name servers at the same time is now resolved and working great. 0 -
Hello, I'm glad to see it's now working. Could you confirm that this was a routing issue at the data center? Thank you. 0 -
I had to manually add the IPv6 IP to the network interface file as well as edit the network interface file. etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens18
After making any changes to the files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ the network needs to be restarted bysystemctl restart network
Plus I had 1 server out of the 3 cPanel DNS Only servers that was not routing properly so the the network operations center had to fix that issue on their end. So I hope this helps anyone else that is planning on doing the same thing.0
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