Let's Encrypt Service down
Today i am getting lot of email about The service "letsencrypt-cpanel" appears to be down. Please let me know this fix. I have do restart but does not help.
Service Name letsencrypt-cpanel
Service Status failed ?
Notification The service "letsencrypt-cpanel" appears to be down.
Service Check Method The system failed to connect to this service"s TCP/IP port.
Reason Service check failed to complete
Unable to connect to port 5959 on Connection refused: Died
Hello Everyone, To update, it looks like this issue stems from a recent update to a third-party cPanel plugin for Let's Encrypt developed by FleetSSL. You can verify if this particular third-party plugin is installed by running a command such as this: rpm -qa|grep letsencrypt
If this third-party plugin is installed, you will see the following entry as part of the output:letsencrypt-cpanel-0.9.6-1.x86_64
A recent change to the plugin was made to shut down the service if the license is expired (leading to the service failure warnings), so if you are running this plugin and want to verify if your license is expired, the plugin includes a script you can run to check it:le-cp self-test
If you uninstall the plugin, and still receive service failure notifications, you can manually remove it's Chkservd file from the following locations: /etc/chkserv.d/ /var/run/chkservd/ Then, remove the entry for it from the "/etc/chkserv.d/chkservd.conf" file. You may also want to reach out to the developer with additional questions or concerns through their contact form. Thank you. Edit: This thread was modified to reflect the updated information about the cause of this error message.0 -
EDIT: Slow off the mark here but I realise now that the clue was in the last post above... Just as a little constructive crit... Can I suggest you respond with specific information about the plugin rather than referring to it as "unofficial third party plugin" as it's all unnecessarily cryptic (cue: irony) and doesn't help ID the specific plugin in this instance... There could be others in future so the "plugin that shall not be named" approach seems a mite daft.. Hit the same problem and found what was causing the issue... There's a third party unofficial plugin from FleetSSL (the name has changed) and that installs the service that is failing. From what I can determine the reason it's now an issue (ie: error city) is that they released an update that "fixed" their trial license which in my case was running pretty much indefinitely. I can't be 100% sure but it seems the result was that the service shutdown and instead of a UI friendly notification you just have to figure things out yourself. That may not be an accurate assessment as I've ditched the plugin but hopefully gives some ideas... 0 -
They are still in development and with more funding they will surely have a better UI, I feel but compared to free service they are lot better. 0 -
They are still in development and with more funding they will surely have a better UI, I feel but compared to free service they are lot better.
Now that I'm looking back at the difference between the official and FleetSSL offering I'm remembering why I opted to try the latter out. There's a dearth or support for end-users cpanel functionality and very little in the way of explanation of what the official plugin offers in WHM beyond some basic install/uninstall info and warnings about AutoSSL. Certainly something I'll be coming back to when things are a bit more settled. Either way, problem solved for now... hopefully the extra info will help someone else who's wondering why changed and how to fix it...0 -
We started seeing this on a bunch of servers today, the logs say it is from the 3rd party letsencrypt cpanel plugin, and the underlying error says it won't restart because the license was expired. Most of them just choose to have us uninstall it and use the AutoSSL function with letsencrypt. 0 -
Hello, I've modified my original response to this thread to help clarify the cause of the issue for anyone facing the same problem. Thanks! 0
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