Reducing inodes on VolGroup-lv_root?
have been trying to fix this for hours, think I read every inode thread on here, but couldn't find a solution
/mnt is a second hard disk, does this count for the inode use of VolGroup-lv_root? Tried the purge_dead_comet_files, but that only deleted 600 inodes Any advice on how to reduce the inodes or can I relocate some directories to /home partition? Thanks
df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
3276800 3276442 358 100% /
tmpfs 1001872 1 1001871 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 128016 53 127963 1% /boot
57229312 9628544 47600768 17% /home
echo "Inode usage for: $(pwd)" ; for d in `find -maxdepth 1 -type d |cut -d\/ -f2 |grep -xv . |sort`; do c=$(find $d |wc -l) ; printf "$c\t\t- $d\n" ; done ; printf "Total: \t\t$(find $(pwd) | wc -l)\n"
Inode usage for: /
1 - backup
113 - bin
44 - boot
792 - dev
3536 - etc
30028386 - home
2 - home2
9062 - lib
408 - lib64
1 - lost+found
1 - media
3023727 - mnt
4298 - opt
find: `proc/56054': No such file or directory
find: `proc/56232': No such file or directory
find: `proc/56233': No such file or directory
657576 - proc
1425 - root
293 - sbin
1 - selinux
1 - srv
10529 - sys
12 - tmp
201416 - usr
40927 - var
find: `/proc/56348': No such file or directory
Total: 34006089
/mnt is a second hard disk, does this count for the inode use of VolGroup-lv_root? Tried the purge_dead_comet_files, but that only deleted 600 inodes Any advice on how to reduce the inodes or can I relocate some directories to /home partition? Thanks
update: it does seem like files & inodes on /mnt are being added to total of VolGroup-lv_root so it seems my host connected my second drive (500GB) under VolGroup-lv_root (50GB partition), any advice on how to proceed so 2nd drive isn't under VolGroup-lv_root? Thanks 0 -
Hi, Try unmounting the /mnt mounted drive for some moments, then calculate the inodes? Hopefully with remounting, you may see difference in inodes.. Give it a try.. 0 -
so it seems my host connected my second drive (500GB) under VolGroup-lv_root (50GB partition), any advice on how to proceed so 2nd drive isn't under VolGroup-lv_root?
Hello, Making these types of changes without physical access to the system is not recommended because a simple mistake could lead to data loss or downtime. I recommend contacting your provider to let them know what happened so they can correct this and mount it to your preferences. Thank you.0 -
Hi, Try unmounting the /mnt mounted drive for some moments, then calculate the inodes? Hopefully with remounting, you may see difference in inodes.. Give it a try..
thanks that was the cause0
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