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Domain is owned by another user error



  • SysSachin
    Hello, Is this domain name associated with the hostname of the server? Also have you enabled "Allow resellers to create accounts with subdomains of the server"s hostname" under the "Domains" tab in "WHM >> Tweak Settings"?
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Could you confirm if this domain name matches the hostname of the server? Also, does a DNS zone exist for this domain name when viewing the zones in "WHM >> Edit DNS Zone"? Thank you.
  • Motamedi
    Hello, Is this domain name associated with the hostname of the server? Also have you enabled "Allow resellers to create accounts with subdomains of the server"s hostname" under the "Domains" tab in "WHM >> Tweak Settings"?

    yes, is enable
    Hello, Could you confirm if this domain name matches the hostname of the server? Also, does a DNS zone exist for this domain name when viewing the zones in "WHM >> Edit DNS Zone"? Thank you.

    This domain does not exist to dns server ... but when park a domain to whm, The list is as follows " ( nobody ) " but this domain is not to dns list !
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Check to see if an entry for this domain name exists in the following file:
    If so, and assuming this isn't your server's hostname, remove the line in the above file for this domain name and then attempt to add the domain name to the cPanel account. Thank you.
  • Motamedi
    Hello, Check to see if an entry for this domain name exists in the following file:
    If so, and assuming this isn't your server's hostname, remove the line in the above file for this domain name and then attempt to add the domain name to the cPanel account. Thank you.

    There is no domain in the file list and the file is empty
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Feel free to open a support ticket using the link in my signature so we can take a closer look. Thank you.
  • Motamedi
    thanks for help domain removed from /etc/userdomains, and Domain issue resolved but next problem is login all user by one password all users my server logined by one passowrd, The password I change is useless, After changing the password, it will be entered again with a password What is the solution to this problem? thanks
  • cPanelMichael
    but next problem is login all user by one password all users my server logined by one passowrd , The password I change is useless, After changing the password, it will be entered again with a password

    Hello, I'm not sure I fully understand the issue you have described. Could you provide step-by-step instructions on how you are reproducing this behavior? Thank you.
  • Motamedi
    All server accounts, Login with a password But I changed my password more than 20 times Why do I get into the entire account with a password ?! For example, Usher domain, both with the new password and with the password a123456 With the password a123456, you can enter entire accounts thanks
  • cPanelMichael
    With the password a123456, you can enter entire accounts

    Hello, It's likely that same password is used for a root or reseller account, and the following option is enabled under the "System" tab in "WHM >> Tweak Settings": Accounts that can access a cPanel user account - Root, Account-Owner, and cPanel User Per it's description: This setting specifies who can access a user"s cPanel account. Account-Owner refers to the particular reseller that owns the user account. Note: Disabling root access here will also disable root"s access to the Branding Editor in WHM. Thank you.

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