Login to WHM and cPanel remotely
I would like to ask if there is a way to add a security token to my laptop so I may login to the control panel of WHM and C Panel when I go away for vacation in a few weeks. Or if there is anything else I can do so I can access the server in case an issue arises while I am away.
I use an access control list with my office IP address so no one else cannot access my server. I have this turned on for WHM and also SSH. I know this works, cause I tried to login with my cell phone when a client had an issue and I was working ( outside of my office ) & I could not login.
I just cannot afford to have issues with my clients and not have access to my server when I go on vacation. I will be bringing my Laptop which is a different PC than I normally use for my server and it will obviously be a different IP address as I will be away from my office. I know I can turn off the access control list, but I would prefer not to.
Thanks for anyone's help with this matter.
Hello Steve, You could temporarily disable the host access control rules for the SSHD service and instead implement other SSH hardening options (e.g. key authentication, unique SSH port). The following thread is useful for this: [Tutorial] Interested in increasing the security of your server? Read this. (sshd hardening) Then, once you know what your IP address is while at your remote destination, you can enable the host access rules for SSH again, and add the new IP address to the allowed list for WHM and SSH in the /etc/hosts.allow file. You may also find these additional WHM login security features useful as alternatives to the host access control option for the WHM service: Security Questions - Documentation - cPanel Documentation Two-Factor Authentication for WHM - Documentation - cPanel Documentation Thank you. 0
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